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Eric West, Gang Stalked by Lahaina Police, This Is Related To The Maui Fire

Published on 03 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

This is sad. Eric West Hawaii Real Estate was Harassed and gang stalked by the police. He did not refuse to leave, he simply asked what the law was they were referencing that he could not park on the side of the road. All officers refused to give their names, all refused to say whether or not he was detained, all refused to give badge numbers.

Eric west has been exposing the evidence in Lahaina related to the wild fires. He deserves our help! We all need to share the hell out of this video. I do not have the first part of it but an explanation is given in the the video.

#lahainafire #lahainawildfire #lahaina

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Mustang 2 years ago

They just wanted to harras you. Please notice that they didn't give you their badge number.

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Mustang 2 years ago

I used to be a strong supporter of the police but after seeing the police pepper spray a elderly woman in a anti-lockdown protest in Australia and watching the police state behavior of the police in Canada during the Truckers Strike, I no longer support the police.

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sbseed 2 years ago

it is illegal for cops to not give name and badge number when asked...
should put out the number/address of the supposed police station they are from...

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KEEPER 2 years ago

it indeed is, at least in this country, i have no idea about other countries.

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These cops are just the scum of the earth...
Retarded lying dead shits.....

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