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Eternum Pt. 15: The Consequences Of Server Hopping!

44 vistas
Publicado en 12 Sep 2024 / En Juego de azar

What in the hell did you do, Nova? Not only did she almost get killed by a Disney princess, but now she's been lured into a rather unfair game of blackmail, using Dione as the bait. Will she get Dione back? Does Maat know that she's holding one of the three Weapons Of Atlas? Your guess is as good as mine.

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Toki 6 meses hace

That is one hot Cleopatra style waifu. So what is this game model from? Looks like a Honey S level of quality model. A redesigned Menat possibly?

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

Possibly. This one was made in HS2.

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Toki 6 meses hace

@Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy: Ha! I knew it because the curves and all the little accessories are perfection. I like the Cleopatra look to begin with though. Bikini armor with gold/metal arm and leg bracers. The hair style and eyeliner. You could take almost any waifu and do a hot Cleopatra cosplay.

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WMHarrison94 6 meses hace

@Toki: So... you like the little black pussy goddess huh?! LOL!

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@WMHarrison94: Black Pussy Goddess where I will take that over white bitches anyday. You reminded me undead chronics show when he shows the African Ghanian Preacher/Pastor that says "Bring the Camera, MAY your Pussy Perish May your Smooth Pussy Creamy Pussy Perish and Burn with you in Hell" haha I think DOGGK also uploaded a shorter version of it on here as well, Yeah that Purple Goodness is easy to fall for however STINKY FISH MARKET PUSSY is same for all Pussy of all colors and types, get a clean GODDESS and Don't do anything TOKI would do haha he is more Depraved and Degenerate than GRIM and Grim played Starless and Maggotbaits so that says something about Toki :p haha jk \G/

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Toki 6 meses hace

@WMHarrison94: This particular style of clothes/fashion yes. It's very isekai and amazing it was a real historical thing. Ancient Egyptians had some serious style. The peak of black culture for architecture and fashion. Everyone was fit and almost naked because it's hot there. For reality the Cleopatra was a Greek woman though. That's hot. White woman wearing foreign isekai armor. Or an Asian woman could wear Cleopatra cosplay quite well.

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Toki 6 meses hace

@WMHarrison94: You see up above that's not black. That's a bronze waifu. If she was black there would be no hair. Masculine bones jutting out in the shoulders and everything. The nose wouldn't be small and cute. She wouldn't be glowing like a gold bar.

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Toki 6 meses hace

@WMHarrison94: See Street Fighter for example. The evolution of wokeness also. You have Menat who is really sexy and awesome costume. Now they have Kimberly who is ugly and terrible costume with a stupid face mask fashion accessory. The old world had superior fashion by far.

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WMHarrison94 6 meses hace

@Toki: True about the fashion, but the kings and most royalty of Ancient Egypt was white except for the Nubian Kings... they were white before the Greek Ptolemy line took control. CAT Scans of ancient mummies revealed this along with DNA analysis and bone structure.

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Toki 6 meses hace

@WMHarrison94: I mean Esdeath has quite a sense of fashion so you're onto to something. Regardless the Egyptians look cool in historical settings like Rome Total War. Look like they are on their way to a metal concert.

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WMHarrison94 6 meses hace

@Toki: Maybe they gave you an ugly face gor you to punch more often... if Street Fighter was fucked up that... just think what they'd do to Street Fucker, if its stil laround.

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Toki 6 meses hace

@WMHarrison94: What? At least they haven't ruined Menat because she hasn't been back since Capcom went woke. I really dislike what they did to Cammy's face. She used to be so cute. Now she's a bit masculine and cut the hair off. Not as bad as Mortal Kombat females though. That's just a disaster.

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WMHarrison94 6 meses hace

@Toki: in the 90s, some of the bars and stripper bars had a Street Fighter styled and themed game incolving fucking whores on the street... Street Fucker. I never played it but I know of it.

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WMHarrison94 6 meses hace

@Toki: I was more into Tekken with Michele but they took her out: I guess Anna was her daughter and Soul Calibur...

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WMHarrison94 7 meses hace

So, the Egyptian feminine pussy goddess wants to play with titties and Grim's uhm "Hammer." I wonder if people are dying in real life because that dude just died, and secondly now that I think about it, how did Thanatos make it to Ogyia? I hope he is trapped there; so, they can return and get two gems of Doom. More importantly, how did he know Grimm had it? I guess he is a hacker too... I think like Ready Player One, those Praetorians are people... so did they kill them or does it take certain say head shots to kill people IRL?

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You and I both know that if that Pussy Goddess Grim will be take me and this Hard Hammer haha. Because he is Thanatos and he can do whatever he fucking wants my guess is he is BARDOT alexzandra's father in disguise, Bro fuck all the other shite did you see SEXY HOT AS FUCK CALYPSO COCK BLOCK GRIM FROM A SURE PIECE OF ASS and in the Alexzandras SEXY RACK AND TITS in the Last episode and did you forget about NOVA's Sexy ASS reminded me of when GRIM talked about SASHA's from City of Broken Dreamers Fuck that NOVA got a Great Bouncy ASS, where is your mind at Focus on the real things that Matter TITS and ASS haha Cant wait to see Dalia's and LUNA's oh GOD if LUNA's RACK is GODLY AND HER AND NOVA FUCK YOU WILL NEVER HEAR FROM ME AGAIN I WILL BE IN MY 24/7 GOON CAVE haha \G/

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