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Eternum Pt. 7: Meeting (and Almost Being Killed By) Nova!

Published on 22 May 2024 / In Gaming

Game: Eternum (itch.io, Patreon in-dev)

She is going to help solve the mystery. Also, don't worry, we'll get to The Red Herring server next week. As I said in my ending ramble, this is the second to last week of Eternum coverage until July!

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Jeese... I thought Luna was going to stab him... Anyways, do you even know what the image of God (El) is? It's Mind, Body, and Soul/Spirit: God the Father The Word is the Mind, The Word Made Flesh is the Body the Jesus Christ born into us, humanity, and the Soul is the piece of God El He put in us during the Spark of Life, ie when your daddy got lucky making your mommy a mom-- fertilization, which has an ionic reaction during the sperm's penetration causing the ovum's outer membrane to hard- a light in the darkness of your mother's womb: The Soul allows us to perceive time and since we are (of) God El, His Holy Spirit can cemeth and goeth from our Temples, our bodies. That is the Image of God El. All other 'spiritual" entities need permission to enter our Temples. Just saying... these are ancient truths or revelations as we are nearing the Biblical Age of Revelations or Pagan Age of Aquarius-- or Enlightenment. These ages are real and they line up with Exodus and birth of Christ--- it is observable at dusk or dawn. I'll have to double check that part...

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