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Europa - The Last Battle - Parts 1 - 11 - 720p - Play and or Download it in 720p. There is OLD film in it that needs HD. It's 5.4 Gig - Please donate $5 for the site costs.

Published on 08 Dec 2024 / In Film & Animation

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This is one of the most well documented and researched films, into the Bolshevik Criminal JEWS, attempting to overthrow the people of Europe, and what a commendable job, Adolf Hitler and the People of Germany did, in routing them from Europe.

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SolidSnake33TWRA 3 days ago

WWII: mistakes were made.

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SolidSnake33TWRA 3 days ago

Preserved their racial purity (through Matriarchal lineage) by inbreeding. You want a look at the dangers of inbreeding: look no further than the Jews.

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SolidSnake33TWRA 3 days ago

It all makes perfect sense to me now more than ever. The Jews have held a grudge over the Romans and what came to be the inheritors of western civilization (particularly USA culture from its inception) namely white, European ancestor nations and their descendants. This is the Jewish grudge over the Romans of Hadrian's era and the attempt to wipe the Jewish people off the face of the planet for good as the Jews were rightfully recognized as religious zealots that would never assimilate to Roman citizenship and were actively fighting against it.

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If you care to go through my video list... there is a heap of videos exposing the jews for what they are.... The one to find is called "Defamation". - there are also many excellent other videos on the subject of jewish criminal activities.... But the Defamation is about how they do an evil job of manipulating their own kids and culture to beome mind fucked little kike robots..... AND how they lied about Auswitz being an EXTERMINATION camp, when it was a well run WORK camp.... There were no gas chambers for exterminating people - the cunts just made that story up...... JEWS = Soviet Union = Israel is a satellite state of the Zionist Jews of Russia = it's a communist operation..

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