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Even Cats ARE DONE!! 22 Minutes Modern Women Having MELTDOWN Over The FUTURE

Published on 15 Jan 2024 / In Film & Animation

This made me laugh. Women are finding their fucking cats are now walkingh away from them! lolo! PGTOW - Pussy going their own way! lol! It's an irony that women chose CAT's as companions instead of MEN. WHY? because CAT's don't give a fuck about YOU. there's an old saying that say's "YOU never own a Cat the Cat always owns you" cat's know where tio get food and where to get a shag and this is exaactly like a women, but NOW, the CAT's have had a fucking belly full of women! lol! This is a type of PUSSY POWER women are not going to have control over!. Also like women some Cat's can be spiteful, smelly, noisy and many other things, sound like someone you masy know that has TIT'ss and a bad attitude problem! lol! Just take a look at some of these cat's facial expression when their looney Mom's pet them to far, I mean when a cat finds a women obnoxious women have a problem! lol!

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Jaygo 1 year ago

I've always said, cats are exactly like women. and dogs are like men.Cats are fickle, self centered, extremely advantageous, and if they want or need nothing from you. No matter what you do for them, they will act like they don't know you. For this reason alone, Of all animals i hate cats the most. Loyalty is something i admire most in any living being. cats are the complete opposite.
Here's an anecdote. Long story short. We have a dog and a cat at the time..My dad always was a workaholic. I was in college then. I don't remember where my mom was. But My dad must have come home and was very tired and tried to fix something to eat. But he must have dosed off in the process of the food cooking. I remember walking in the house and the pot was on the stove smoking like crazy. the whole kitchen and other rooms were very smoky. What I specifically remember were the animals.. I kid you not. The fucking cat was trying to claw it's way out of the window, but the dog was barking his head off trying to wake my dad. I've always had lots of animals growing up. from ferrets, to dogs, cats, talking parrots, fish, etc. The 1 thing i noticed was how very fickle and opportunistic cats were,. no matter the breed. Every since i 1st noticed this i've never cared much for cats. But now that i'm older, I totally understand why women get along soo well with them. But also. If i see any guy that owns a cat. I automatically suspect something about him that i won't go into here.

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Mustang 1 year ago

2:09 "I earned this and we deserve each other" No truer words were ever spoken!!!

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LOL - The cats eating her face off....


I doubt it.

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slapmonkey 1 year ago

I think the appropriate question would be, who would notice? Lol.

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

this is a fun vid

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