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Eventually White People Might Get Rid Of Currycels


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Published on 31 Dec 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Dallas_LooksMaxxer 2 months ago

Amr, there is this currycel on YT called Loy Machedo who talks about the exact same issues you are: how indians are stingy, scammers, hagglers, negotiators etc. and how western countries should stop letting them in by the droves because it will not end well.

Just watch this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKuiQWrCBeY LMAO

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silverkinguk27 2 months ago

Down in Prague at the mo.

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From Walmart Sunflower with Olive Oils are both refined seed oils both of which are trash leads to Low T Heart issues and more No thanks

Both are trash compared to All Natural Salted or Unsalted Butter and Red Cooked Meat or Red Raw Meat, AMR you got that wrong brother Id say its because of the flu/infection/virus I will say search it up and get rid of that trash or serve it to the Currycels only.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago

India ( Estimated population ) = 1,428,627,663
U.S ( estimateed population ) = 340,110,988
U.S ( White Population) =204,277,273

Also remember, India is the "I" in 'BRICS'. And thats not even the worst part. The worst part is that white women in the U.S are already having children with extremely dark-skinned Hindu men. Not just any white women, but the same white women who vowed to never be involved with black man is actually getting knocked up by hindu men. Come to the west coast and spend some time in tech and you will see it..

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Izzy 2 months ago

If MAGAtards and libertarians lived in reality, they would realize that Bill Gates is right that there needs to be a massive population reduction of Indians and sub-Saharans. Certain groups are just genetic garbage and need to be enslaved or have the population limited so they won't be a burden on humanity.

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Izzy 2 months ago

White liberals and Chtistian have a savior complex and need to realize that both groups are designed to live in small scale primitive societies. Expecting these groups to live up to the standards of a highly civilized society hurts the West and also makes life miserable for them since their dysfunctional societies aren't capable of handling a massive population increase which will lead to them suffering and starving to death.

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White women are primitive in their programming. Anglo Americans are incapable genetically, culturally of implementing Hebrew patriarchy or Greco Roman patriarchy or Arab patriarchy. Make fun of jews all you want, being less attractive than white Europeans without being curries or Niggerians allows them to be a thinking people and restrict women. Whites like anglo nations have women that are attractive and end up worshipping them, putting them on pedestals. Ancient Romans and Greeks were essentially "good looking jews" and able to restrict their women, their philosophy was masculine. UK and America's philosophy is matriarchal, always has been.

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