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Every Americans Social Security Number Was Just Stolen

Published on 15 Aug 2024 / In News & Politics

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago  

So... I guess this election cycle is Raising the Dead to vote...

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KEEPER 1 month ago

either that or it will be the catalyst for the mark of the beast system, they might say, oh no's everyone we fucked up and lost everyone's shit, we have the solution, put this chip in your body and you will have your identity and then they use it to give the illegals the mark so they can vote in the election. this is another of my conspiracy theories.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: There's a rumor going around thst at a certain frequency of light, say a radio frequency, if they block it or jam it, you loose connection to God El/Christ/Holy Spirit... It was mention those chips jam that frequency... and apparently, they found thecweight of the human spirit/soul by weighing a dude as he died.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: oh. If they dead, we can kill them and walk away free. Double Jeopardy protection in the US... butbthey try yo get around it by state and Federal court cases... but the Dead can't be killed again. And cheating on elections is treadon punishable by death...

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: that's more than likely a lie, the scriptures always mention that you can always pray to god no matter what, you don't need to fold your arms or even pray out loud, it can all be in your head and without looking like you are praying or saying anything out loud.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

remember the father of lies, Satan will always lie to get you to believe in bullshit.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: There's a trick to praying for things you need or want like badly

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: The Bible says in Old Testament to ask abd you shall receive: You one probably need to be reasonably faithful; two, you need to ask with all your heart and soul-- like this is some serious dhit- not a trivia thing; and three, live as if it was answered and received. Ancuent faithful men once understood this like they also understood where Eden was.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: yeah i admit, i don't have the contrite spirit when i pray, i really should, but i suppose things will have to become bad enough before it's like this for most people, for the moment people are feeling the heat and the pressure that is leading them to prayer but they simply put aren't feeling enough pain yet to get to that point.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

TFM talked about this in older shows he's made, people have to reach that threshold of pain before they are willing to do anything about it, but that could lead to all kinds of situations, because some people can't just remain passive aggressive either and just pray their problems away, some people will take action with physical action and defiance.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

they might end up dead at that point, but some of us just can't stand being attacked too much that something breaks inside us and it's that fight or flight situation, i think i'm more of the fight kind of person, i have told siblings and even my parents if some stranger was to come into the house and attemps to abuse anyone in the family, i will find a knife and slit their neck right there without hesitation and then cut the head off and put it on a pike, even if i'm outnumbered even if it leads to my death, and i will have fun doing it.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

lots of slicing and dicing action

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KEEPER 1 month ago

but Jesus wants us to be passive and not do shit, i can't follow that mentality, i'm the natural man i will choose to fight and not be a passive pussy.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: was bitch slapping cheating money exchangers and tossing over their tables passive? Damn, the Left must have changed the meaning of passive!?!

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: Not true. When if every things go well, just say a quick thank you Lord prayer here and there and move on.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: There's a fine line: Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth... Do you know what meek means? I looked it up once just to be sure. It meant reserved or discipline. Gee, who is disciplined in this clown world? Definitely not the majority of THOTs... so I see MGTOW in this thinking.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: True... eye for an eye is more fun, remember this: If the Jews revolted they way they wanted to when Christ walked the earth, then they would not be here today. Rome would have sucked their life out squeezing them to death.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

I tell people to pay attention to the words. In creation, there was the Word of God El, and then the Word was made Flesh... I mean He was already flesh when He talked to Abraham and Sarah ( especially when He scolded her old lady laughing at His she will be pregnant). I wonder if we are in a kind of Matrix with "command prompts" or "spells" to activate or deactivate things...Edgar Cayce talked about how spirits were enticed into playing in the flesh, but then some, many became convinced this is life and all there is... some evil one brought evil or demonic forms. Just saying food for thought.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: turn the other cheek, i can't do that, unless it's over some meaningless offense, if it warrants stabbing, i will not hesitate.

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"Hello world, I am a thief."

Hello Thief, meet my knife.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

No. Too eady. Meet my woodchipper or Care for a swim (crocodile or shark infested waters...) use the knife to cut him... get the blood spreading faster...

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KEEPER 1 month ago

i think this will be something that will be used to screw with the elections and give illegal migrants an identity hence giving them the right to vote in the election, just my theory.

i could easily be wrong, but we knew shit like this was going to happen just before the election, and i almost feel the EU and other governments are involved if this is the case.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Doesn't matter. Killary sold all this info to China as Secretary of State and her illegal personal server in the bathroom. My social has already been comp t omised three times by the VA.

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