Every Man Needs To See This Video - HOW MUCH PROOF DO YOU NEED!?
🚨 This is a MUST-WATCH for every man! 🚨
In this video, we break down the recent Tyrese child support case that has men everywhere taking notes. Tyrese went to jail for failing to pay child support, but what really happened? We dive into a livestream where a female attorney discusses the case and things get heated when a man calls in to disagree with the ladies. What unfolds is an eye-opening look at the biases of the court system, female nature, and how men need to protect themselves at all times.
The moment this man speaks up, he's attacked, not for being wrong but simply because he earns more money. The reactions from the women and the shocking responses from the chat tell you everything you need to know about how rigged the system really is. Our videos are made for educational purposes.
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Links video:
0:00 Intro
1:22 Call-In from Male Viewer
3:45 Why the Court System is Rigged Against Men
5:40 Women’s Reactions to Male Caller
8:20 The Ugly Truth About Child Support
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This is why I don't bother arguing with entitled feminists. I ignore them, and they REEEE at me bc of it. Hard Pass.
If Tyrese isn't red pilled about female nature by now, I guess "For a Few Dollars More", he soon will be. Lol!
Let them pay their own shits if they are self centered ,we owe them nothing .Men shouldn't pay anything if the child custody is 50/50 ,WTF ! The bitch said the man was misogynistic just because he wanted to be treated decently and have a fair divorce .These cunts are out of control and should rot alone ,they're so selfish and entitled that they don't understand why most men avoid them like the plague and why men don't take them seriously .Stupid skanks .
Fuck? These bitches are crazy? Just buy a woodchipper... it's cheaper.
Whores don't care about logic?! They are crave to be crazy rich bitches commanding men around like serfs. Pay for college? Fuck that college is not worth it.