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Every step towards the gallows - the Health Minister is lying

Published on 15 Apr 2022 / In Film & Animation

⁣If half of the 8.3 million people in NSW were conned or forced into the Global Depopulation Blood Clot Death Shot - this means around 4 million people are going to die of heart attacks, cancers, blood clots etc.

Is this shit bag of a retarded criminal health minister / mass murderer going to be gunned down on the steps of her home, will she be stabbed to death in parliament, will she make it to a trial and get hung on the gallows?
She is worried and she knows that we know.
We know that she lied.
We know that LOTS of people have died.
We know that a LOT MORE people are going to die from the Depop Death Shot.

We know the ministers, the pharmaceutical companies, the media and the cops are all working to exterminate the people of our nation.
They betrayed we the people of Australia, and the rest of the world.

And she knows that we know.
She knows that all the genocidal mass murdering traitors like her are going to die.
She has picked a nice dress for a hanging.
I bet she would shit her pants if a car back fired near by.

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When she says there has been a 40% increase in code ones, she means there has been a 40% increase in heart attacks....
SINCE the Global Depopulation Blood Clot Death Shot has been forced upon people by coercion.
Word Games = Playing the issue down by fudging and smudging the language.
Lying Cunts play word games.
All the amulance crews / medical people are saying, "People are now dropping like flies from the Depop Death Shot" and all this piece of shit does is NOTHING - except side stepping the issue and lying her way out of it.
Just fucking hang her - and all of the people who orchestrated these crimes against humanity - against the people of her own country

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Councilof1 3 years ago

And that's why I despise all politicians. I'm almost fifty and I've never seen a politician that isn't a narcissist.

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We have plenty of rope, and stools. Care to donate a few shoves?

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