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Everything Under Control

Published on 08 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation

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mrghoster 2 months ago

A square peg in a round hole does fit, as long as the square peg is smaller, like a femon. and that's what is relly happening. Small square peg's are being given bigger holes to fit in and the result is a poor SEAL. Personally let these CUNT's do their delusional bullshit as long as it doesn't effect ME, I love to see and hear about femon's failing, the trouble is it is usually at the expense of others and NOT the femon. I hope everyone is OK in LA? I'm thinking of you as I sit in a freezing buggalow I cant heat in the UK because a Gay communist has taken away the winter fuel allowance freezing my BOLLOCKS off! lol! solved it though, I wear layers of clothing I can add and remove like a thermostat! Lot's of hot tea and coffee and toe wiggling helps as well! lol!

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Hmm, I was just thinking we could use an all femon fire station! We'll call it the "Glory Hole(s)!" It will totally work. And like all women they're show up late all faked up and late taking over "releaving all that tension" that built up as the real fire men put the fire out and doing CPR and shit.... Our taxes hard at work... by these working girls, er femons. You know, that sounds like a good meme skit I should write out...

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Oh damn. My first thought Canada's new (female) prime minister was off to good start... all that Currycel shit everywhere...

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