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Evil Explains His Vision for the Future of Creation - See Pinned Comment!

Published on 01 May 2023 / In Film & Animation

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Evil had a great appreciation of Bromance.

Evil. - Oh, Robert, Benson,

I feel the power of evil coursing through my veins,filling every corner of my being with the desire to do wrong.

- I feel so bad,

Benson.- Good ! Good !

Evil. - Yes, it is good, for this is the worst kind of badness that I'm feeling.

Benson.- Kill me, master ! Kill me !

Evil.- Not now, Benson. We have work to do.

No less a work than the over throwing of creation itself.

We will remake man in our image, not His.

We will turn mountains into sea,and the skies into rivers,and fjords into deserts.

Benson.- Come on ! Come on !-

Evil. - And deserts into quagmires.

- Let me see !- And icebergs into fire !

And the fire into a mighty rushing wind which will cover the face of the earth… and wipe clean the scourge of woolly thinking once and for all.

Benson. - We can make beans into peas!

Evil. - Oh, Benson.

Dear Benson,

You are so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence.

Benson.- You say... such nice things, master.

Evil. - Yes, I know. I'm sorry.

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

"fruit...I need fruit!!"

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@TripeSwing: I used to have that bit of script as my email signature..... and the paranoid would flip right out.. In it's own unique kind of a way it was a deeply affectionat thing to say..... Evil. - And deserts into quagmires. - Let me see !- And icebergs into fire ! And the fire into a mighty rushing wind which will cover the face of the earth… and wipe clean the scourge of woolly thinking once and for all. Benson. - We can make beans into peas! Evil. - Oh, Benson. Dear Benson, You are so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence. Benson.- You say... such nice things, master. Evil. - Yes, I know. I'm sorry.

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@TripeSwing: And just when Evil was peaking in his speech - Dumb as fuck Benson - just train wrecks the moment.....

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