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EVs Are "Goldilocks" Cars — Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold or They Don't Work

Published on 19 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

Now it's HOT weather that creates charging problems for EVs, even worse than COLD weather. Temperatures gotta be "just right". And then there's the planned obsolescence as insurers are totaling EVs for minor fender benders.

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mrghoster 2 years ago

EV's should be a social personal CHOICE along with ICE's not the only option. EV's will not really catch on not because of the concept but the ALL STICK and no CARROT way they are bullying us into this crap. It's doomed to failure and I'm just looking forward to the violant reprisal backlash times that I WILL be covertly joining in, like EV dealerships being burned to the ground, let's see fore services cope with all those exploding lithium battery fires! lol! The Attacks on ICE's and the people that have them (about 98% of use) by government will result in complete societal unrest and failure and the hornets nest they have poked for decades will sting back. There are Billions of US, and about I believe around only 5'000 of therm globally apparently? Bring on the revolution and EV's may just be the catalyst for it. I'm rweady! are YOU?

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mrghoster 2 years ago

Here in the UK without the HEAT, EV's are exploding on a daily basis, house or Flat fires are now more comon when they discover an EV bike or Phone is involved in Charging. In Scotland and parts of the rest of the UK bus companies are buying BYD buses from China and a number of them mainly in London are bursting into flames! lol! In Scotland Aberdeen and other area's have bought EV buses that cannot use the Heater or air con, because the power drain is to much on the charge to complete a day's work for the bus. The result has been that passenger's are complaining how cold the bus is, and may passenger's are waiting in the rain or cold for the next ICE bus to turn up! lol! The So called Carbon Footprint to make an EV is the same as 20k carbon produced by an ICE vehicle, so EV's pollute before even leaving the fucking factory, the off set to balance that out in use is 12 years ownership to even break even! lol! Here's the real RUB. EV;s have a useful shelf life of just 4 years, the secondhand market in the UK has already failed for used EV's and they cant give the fuckers away, not that they would! BYD in china are pumping the things out and registering their own cars to make sales figures look good, and straight from the factory are moved to massive fields and left to rot, don't even think of the lithium Pollution to come in the future from the degrading batteries! lol! Nope the EV is a fucking MYTH born to fool many whist you are being ASS shafted from behind by the WEF and the WHO etc. don't know about Goldilock's? More like Wicked Witch of the North fairytale!

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mrghoster 2 years ago

I like it "Goldilocks Car's", the only problem is that the porridge is far to hot and they catch fire. EV's of any sort are the Global DISTRACTION whilst they screw your motoring ASS from behind you. Take electric bikes in the UK for example, they are restricted to 250w and can not in law do more than 12 MPH. Yet a normal pedal cycle you can reach well over that with little effort, so what a waste of money. Mind you new road law changes have made cycling a dangerous ans risky business anyway's, due mainly to MORON's on bikes! EV's are really a short term MYTH, to extract money from the foolish and from the narcissistic rich prick that has bought into the brainwashing. Mind you having even a bicycle will eventually have to be taxed heavily, registered and insured when the cash cow of the EV or ICE is running the coffer's dry. I'm old and luckily for me I will be dead and and hopefully free in oblivion or enjoying another life in another dimension somewhere! lol! But that is another possible adventure?

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sbseed 2 years ago

EV trucks are just stupid from the start they cannot handle anything that a normal truck can... waste of money and time.

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But you can virtue signal, and be a proper Dandy with a Creavat -

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sbseed 2 years ago

yep, you have to keep weight low on your own electric vehicles...
better to have thick wall aluminum pipes to make the frame.

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