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Excellent News.... Finally, the parents are fighting back against these gender ideologies.

Published on 04 Aug 2023 / In Film & Animation

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mrghoster 1 year ago

Be it in School but isn't GROOMING a child for or regarding sex ILLEGAL in many countries? If I went up to a 10 or 12 yearold Girl or Boy for that mater and started talking about sex to them I bet I would get arrested, yet PERVERT's at SCHOOL can do it with Government blessing? Why's that? I think it is to increase the population earlier and younger to replenish the falling birth rates as WE with brains have sussed out the BULLSHIT. It's not een MEN not procreating it's WOMEN who are the biggest culprit's for population drops. BUT hang on a minute? are we not told that population is out of control and there are to many of us? How'a that one work then! lol!

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usr6874038614 1 year ago

It is not to increase the falling population, it is to continue depopulation. Healthy populations increase, confused populations collapse. The WEF and bankers elites are doing their thing to save the planet, meaning 9 out of 10 people on this rock need to die. Why do you think all those epidemics came up in the last 2 decades? why did the bees die off all around? It is all organized and created.

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bigintol03 1 year ago

Well, it looks like England's finally figuring it out. Let's hope we can too!

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