
Exercising Red Pilled Principles - It's YOUR car - YOU fix it

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Publié le 16 Feb 2025 / Dans Film et animation

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There are people who are so mentally retarded, that they cannot do up their own shoe laces.

No matter how hard you try, they will never be able to learn and remember this basic skill.
This is a fact of life.

Most women are just plain fucking lazy.
This is also a fact of life.

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ArgonRaysabre 1 mois depuis

Lmao. Love it.

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Their laziness and pure stupidity - absolutely shits me....... Dumb fucking bitch comes into the service station, says to Pajeet with can't find a hole in a donut, "My engine oil light is on - what sort of oil should I put into it?" - Pajeet hasn't got a fucking clue beyond vaseline for his arsehole when the boss comes around, so I tell her, "Go and consult the owners manual - it has all the basic specifications - it's usually in the glove box"....... So brainless bitch who has never followed instructions harder than putting frozen food into a deep fryer..... is taking half an hour..... SO I point out "THE INDEX" + "SPECIFICATIONS" + "LUBRICANTS" + "How to put it in and test the level" - AND this fucking bitch is like 65 years old and has never had to do this herself or to figure it out for her self - because she always had OTHER MEN to do it for her....... I can't stand the fucking morons and their excuses and their WORK SHY bullshit. I don't think I would ever do this, but if I could sell it to her and never see her again, I think selling her a 5 liter bottle of cheap watery antifreeze that has an RRP of $55 for $250 and telling her to put that in her engine ----- I would JUST rather avoid these brain dead fucking cunts...... absolutely TIRED of and FED UP with their stupid "responsibility shifting" shit....... That is why the short fuse - "Buy the work shop manual" + "It's YOUR car, YOU fix it". Just fucking throw rocks at them.....

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ArgonRaysabre 1 mois depuis

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Damn, tell 'em how you REALLY feel, champ!

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Most women are just plain fucking lazy, which is why they are so fucking stupid.
They never get off their arses and make themselves learn.

"So the MAN is supposed to read the same instruction book, that she won't read, and he knows how to do it because he read the instruction book on how to fix the car, and she doesn't know how to fix the car, because she hasn't read the instruction book" = Yeah right - fuckoff bitch.

It's YOUR car - YOU fix it.
What's that? You don't like what I just said, then get used to walking.

Then ghost her.

In fact, ghost ALL fucking useless women.

You fucked it up, you wear it.

It's your problem that you created.

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