Experimental Testosterone Worked But Made By Cock Numb.
Published on 15 Jan 2022 / In
Film & Animation
It Works too well.
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YEARS of stagnant economy following the housing crash.. wasted life.. learned to barbecue and make sourdough bread.. gained some weight.. about 2 years ago at 55 yoa, noticed my toes feeling numb.. diabetes? hell, who knows.. been working about 6 months steady now at 57yoa .. toes are not as numb anymore.. good diet, plenty of sleep and hard work will fix most of what ails ya. . imo. and money doesn't hurt any either.
Bro, don't mess with your hormones. You're going to start growing tits and man boobs due to the estrogen conversion. Just eat right, lift heavy shit, and sleep. Repeat. Most of the body building drug users have mental issues related to their body