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Extreme Speed motorcycle crash - VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED

Published on 10 May 2023 / In Film & Animation

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usr6874038614 2 years ago

A public road is not a race track. You have as much responsibility for public safety on the road as all the others. If you want the thrill, that is why race tracks exist. Speed in itself is not dangerous, difference in speed is; ask any professional racer. With the speed difference shown here, you take away the opportunity for other road users to notice you, with all the risks that creates. And as a motorcycle driver, your safety IS dependent on others noticing you. When things go wrong, you will bear the consequences, guaranteed. The standing vehicle had clear warning signals to warn other road users, this guy was just driving too fast for his OWN reaction time, and made himself into another Darwin case.

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In my vivid imagination, people are saying "Why are you only doing 60 Kmh in a (kangaroo infested) 100 Kmh zone, at night?" As the worst ones pass me doing 120 - 130 Kmh - and the news papers are full of articles of kangaroos coming through the wind screen and snapping peoples necks on the way into the back seat... When I was about 17 I was on the back of a friends bike and there was a group of us going for a social ride and we all came to a center of road traffic island and the bike in front of us was a Harley and there was a he and a she on it, and I had a full clear view on the pillion seat and he look up the road, sees a car coming and accientally takes off in second - but the coming car was in a 60 Kmh zone and he was doing over 170 Kmh.... so the car driver hit the brakes and hit the back half of the Harley and the front end of the car went under the riders arse and threw him ???? and the young woman, Fiona that crushed her lower left leg around the shock absorber and she spun up into the air 10 meters or so, and came down in a crumpled heap.... she wasn't killed but there was a HUGE hole in her lower leg - filling up with blood... and like a minute later an ambulance jut happened to be heading back to the hospital 2 minutes travel time away... Fuck - she sat up, looked at the huge hole in her leg and started screaming...

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This ties in with this:

This is sped up by 2 or 3 x - Shoot the Rider in the Face.



New laws have been introduced to South Australian Parliament today, targeting extreme speed drivers.

This video depicts motorcyclists driving at extreme speeds, including one rider who filmed his own life-changing crash.

This crash put the rider in a coma for 2 months, gave him a permanent brain injury and put him in full time care for the rest of his life.

The man’s wife allowed us to use this video because she wants you to see what happens when you drive or ride at extreme speed.

Today, Tuesday 25 May 2021, laws were introduced to Parliament that would see a maximum penalty of up to 5 years imprisonment and a mandatory minimum license disqualification period of 5 years for people who drive or ride at extreme speed.

Extreme speed is defined as driving or riding at 55km/h or more above the limit in a zone marked 60 or less, or 80km/h or more above the speed limit in a zone marked above 60.

Read the full story here: http://sapol.info/ExtremeSpeed

WARNING: Viewer discretion advised.

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