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F--k off, it's Christmas

Published on 01 Dec 2023 / In Film & Animation

It's that pointless, money grsbbing time of the years again so fuck ther world and all those CUNT's making existance a chore. I intend to obliterate christmas and all it's SHITE with plenty of Festive cheer! lol! Fuck Santa or should I say (SATAN) as it's an anagram of it. I hope no one spends money they don't have and share holders and greedy CUNT's become penniless. and unless a Jewish couple called Mary and Joseph want to use my gardem shed to have a savior of mankind ( I say MANKIND, because the HARLET's of HELL) "waahmen" are notr worth saving, unless that happen's you can shove Christmas Up ya "A^+. I hope greedy, miserable women everywhere are visited by 3 ghost's but it woin't work because said ghost probably wont have a 6 fig salary, or be 6ft tall, or have a 6 pack! lol!" My personal new years resolution will be the samer as every year - Fuck the world, do my own thing and I will enjoy life. So Bah Humbug to all the bitches and politicians!

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Yeah Fuck Christmas it's known as saturnalia and Yule and in December the only month with the letter D for worship of the devil. Fuck that

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My favorite ginger is back :D

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

So, unexpected "Windows updates" got you too? I had a new used computer I was recording with, well Xbox Gamer anyway, and the Settings are changed: The sound menu, the submenus, and the secret secret submenus are gone. Luckily, I just found an open source program to use; I think I'm going to like it. Simple Screen Recorder. Now, about the damn sound....

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

I don't think he got the memo about fifteen minute prisons! Er cities, I meant cities! Honestly!

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Christmas fun....

Write a letter of complaint to the local shopping centre how offensive it is to other races and cultures to be playing christmas music.... Sign it Sambo Smith.

Write another letter of complaint to the local shopping centre how offensive it is to other races and cultures to NOT be playing christmas music.... Sign it Silver Digit Goldstein.

Then compare the replies.

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