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Face masks- Barrister on whether you can be arrested for having the wrong attitude

Published on 06 Dec 2021 / In Film & Animation

This is worth listening to in the UK anyways? Also you have Governments own Legislation on your side in both the Equality Act 2010 Section 112, which say's it is illegal to challenge a person either wearing on no wearing a face covering in a situation. Notice the wording "Face Covering NOT a Mask. It is perfectly acceptable to walk into a store with a crsh helmet with a clear visor on it. I went to the doctors for my flu jab on friday I wore my crash helmet even though I'm exempt due to medication taken for a condition. Also you also have the /disability Discrimination Act on your side from 2010 section 119 which is about being harrassed because you have a disability.; This is the governments own words on the books that go against covid rules thsat are NOT law. Even a MANDATE isn't LAW it is a recommendation or request for you to comply which legally YOU are not oblged to accept.Check out you RIGHT's regarding FACE covering NOTMASKs at GOV.UK

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Mustang 3 years ago

Masks don't work. The science says so.

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SOLID_MGTOW_MONK 3 years ago

It's a attack on all humanity which is exactly why I haven't been involved in the MGTOW community lately. I am trying to devote my time to come up with ways to save children from the kill shot. https://www.bitchute.com/video..../4O9fo7aj60LE/?list=

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mrghoster 3 years ago

How or why does that "Not Being MGTOW" lately impact on what you are doing? I'm MGTOW Monk, very much so and that is where my fight against this Oppression is coming from? The very fact I have set aside the world of marriage and relationShit's and stuff like that isd giving me the momentum to develop idea's and strategies that not only save me money but my sanity? It sounds to me like you have put "PUSSY" not Mgtow on the back burner? MGTOW is far from being about women and their appaling behavior, that is MGTOW 101 stuff, the MGTOW RAGE. MGTOW mnoves on from their as a philosophy to share among like minded MEN. If MGTOW is purely about venting pointless qanger at women say 2 years on from when you wenty MGTOW, then you are NOT a true MGTOW. It's about Self betterment and although doing stuff foabout jabbed kids is one thing, doing anything for other's is no good unless you are some good to yourself? MGTOW I think is esoterically "NATUTRE" Removing the crucial MALE from danger? We see it as a Philosophy but the reality in the background is really NATURE addressing a problem? MEN create everything sadly much of the problem as well, BUT without or Gender the world will die, and so call it NATURE, or an act of God, whatever, MEN or the MALE is beinbg put in a place of CARE and SAFETY? If you still want to fondle the old Gaurd and be part of a broken, irreparable system then you will put yourself at risk. as the old saying say's - You are not good to anyone, unless you are some good to yourself? Peace.

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SOLID_MGTOW_MONK 3 years ago

@mrghoster: I have been MGTOW probably longer than anyone here, over 35 years that way long before the acronym was coined. But you are right in a sense, I can't be a MGTOW according it's full Philosophy because it has to be God's way or we are in trouble one day. I haven't touched a woman in over 35 years ad I had all my dreams destroyed by feminism and globalism. I had my job opportunities career stolen by them. I could make a very long list of their assaults. The very one's behind everything that caused MGTOW in the first place are now out to rid the world of children. They may not be the children I created but I love them regardless. I can't sit back and say nothing while they are being murdered I wouldn't want that on my conscious that I said nothing made no effort. And those that engineered our suffering are the winners too if I were to. I'm doing what God has commanded me to do Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

@SOLID_MGTOW_MONK: I to have bee MGTOW in hinesight far longer than it has existed or was coined as a thing? neither am I a Religious Man in the traditional sense? I get sort of called on to say and do things usually via dream's. Ezekiel is one of my favorite Old Testament character's by the way. i hope I didn't offend you with anything?. Not knowing your length of MGTOW activity, when it came to the Be some good for yourself before you can be good for other's. but I do think MGTOW for some MEN is a p-lace of safety, and I do believe it may be God's doing in some way? Peace my friend.

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SOLID_MGTOW_MONK 3 years ago

@mrghoster: No offense taken. God has protected us indeed no doubt about it we wouldn't have went our own way to begin with if not. What I see from my previous comment is my lack of correctly communication my point and I guess that my lack of communication skills that comes from the secluded life not having that ability to correctly communicate. I see children being murdered and I am in full panic mode. No one is there to protect them not even their own parents and clueless to know how to stop it. What I meant to say before is that I am trying to devote my attention to saving the lives of children it’s a urgent matter. What they are doing to children needs mass exposure everywhere, however sadly it’s not even a topic on most sites right now. I apologize for the way I previously came across, it’s my lack of communication skills.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

@SOLID_MGTOW_MONK: No problem. It is great you are doing what you can, but don't worry, this kind of thing tends to have a slow burn then ignites? Children our OUR future as much as we their's? I know about being on my own, have been most of my life. As you say communication gets lost a little, it happens to me, but the sentiment is just as important? There are cracks in the UK anyways starting to appear in all of the current crisis and Children are being mentioned among the criticism 's? let's hope in some small way WE can do something, however small? Many small actions cqan with agreement and backing from others become very Powerful action. In these weird time please look after yourself.

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SOLID_MGTOW_MONK 3 years ago

@mrghoster: Last I checked as for the US, according to what I have read, anyway, over on million children have been kill shotted with that poison, a disgraceful crying shame. We are hearing things are getting rougher in the UK daily over there too. Hang in there and take care of yourself.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

@SOLID_MGTOW_MONK: Hell of a lot of resistance in the UK to shot's in generalespecially children from teens down? with the mess and double standards of Bonkers Boris Johnson I kind of thing and hope the house of cards will fall soon, our corrupt government is backing itself into a corner by not following the very rules they created? Take care my friend.

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SOLID_MGTOW_MONK 3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I am talking about the one and only God as in Jesus Christ. God is real Jesus Christ is real and the Bible is real. There is absolutely no way anyone could have Prophesed exactly what is going on right before our very eyes during and before Jesus Christ back when Technology didn't evey exist without knowing what we have today as in the very device you are using to connect with on mgtow. He's absoutely real I know so.

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Mustang 3 years ago

Masks Don't Work. The science says so.
They are a object of Tyranny and Control.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Traditoinally in ALL Cultures it is the SLAVE that wore the Mask. With the face covered identity becomes irrelevant, you are stripped of your personality. We see this with conscription or the draft, the head is shave as the beginning or the identity destruction ready for programming into a killing machine as you own thought is removed for obedience to the state? The ?Mask is exactly the same thing, and it's working sadly? Hoiwe many MORON's do you see walking around even in summer Heat out doors with a maqsk on? To many, they are brainwashed and already DEAD. Avoid then and disown them for your own sanity my friend.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

They ARE the Zombie apocalypse, the brain DEAD masses.

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