Face masks- Barrister on whether you can be arrested for having the wrong attitude
This is worth listening to in the UK anyways? Also you have Governments own Legislation on your side in both the Equality Act 2010 Section 112, which say's it is illegal to challenge a person either wearing on no wearing a face covering in a situation. Notice the wording "Face Covering NOT a Mask. It is perfectly acceptable to walk into a store with a crsh helmet with a clear visor on it. I went to the doctors for my flu jab on friday I wore my crash helmet even though I'm exempt due to medication taken for a condition. Also you also have the /disability Discrimination Act on your side from 2010 section 119 which is about being harrassed because you have a disability.; This is the governments own words on the books that go against covid rules thsat are NOT law. Even a MANDATE isn't LAW it is a recommendation or request for you to comply which legally YOU are not oblged to accept.Check out you RIGHT's regarding FACE covering NOTMASKs at GOV.UK
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Masks don't work. The science says so.
It's a attack on all humanity which is exactly why I haven't been involved in the MGTOW community lately. I am trying to devote my time to come up with ways to save children from the kill shot. https://www.bitchute.com/video..../4O9fo7aj60LE/?list=
Masks Don't Work. The science says so.
They are a object of Tyranny and Control.