Facing eviction at 80 years old, man self immolates
Published on 16 Jun 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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They dump her at the doorway, somehow expecting her to be able to move. Dumbasses.
Just another reason you don't hire female cops for jobs that require a MAN'S strength. Another FAFO moment, for the departments of first responders.
These officers just kept talking to that woman as if to say "You have to get up and walk", and yet she said her legs didn't work. Pick her the fuck up, and CARRY her! Like TWO women together can't do that? How do they expect to physically do their jobs if they are barely capable of something so simple as getting that woman from the couch to just outside of the door? Our society is so divorced from reality.
I can't blame him. He wouldn't last long on the streets. He was facing all shitty choices.