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faldas polleras enaguas así es como me visto CHOLITA ISABEL

Published on 30 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

Hola amigos y amigas me preguntaban mucho de como me vestía pues ahora les mostrare como me visto para ir a mis aventuras y al final del video les propuse un reto a mis sobrinos y a ustedes mis suscriptores ayúdenme a llegar a la meta quiero vestirlos de cholitas será muy divertido.

#cholitaisabel #bolivia #sajama #oruro

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Count the corsets / petticoats / dresses....

So she is not average above the belly - and hugely FAT around the waist, the arse and the hips... it's the fashion of her place to dress like this.

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She is really nice - and as is the custom of her area... the clothing both keeps you warm, is a little airy and looks nice.. and the accentuation of the hips - it's interesting... but since she climbs goat trails and all that, it's not constrictive... AND she is like ALL women everywhere.

She is great.

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