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Falling Asleep at the Wheel

Published on 12 Feb 2021 / In Film & Animation

This is the most dangerous thing about falling asleep at the wheel, is that as soon as you actually fall asleep - in almost every instance, it's only a few seconds before your sailing off the road or sailing into the path of the oncoming traffic..... and it really is that quick.

You can actually look up "falling asleep at the wheel" + "compilation" on Poo Tube, and you can see when they actually fall asleep, then you can count, "One and Two and Three and BANG!" It's frighteningly quick.

If you are REALLY tired, it's better to stop and have a good lay down type sleep, for half an hour or an hour or two hours, than to die in a crash.

And depending upon how much sleep you have had the night before, IF you didn't get much sleep, 2 hours of driving and 1 hour of deep sleep, and do it like that.. or 4 hours of driving and an hours sleep or half an hours sleep...

I carry all weather bedding and shelter, because the distances can be so huge, and while the weather is generally DRY, although it can be COLD and VERY WINDY, the actual trips where protection from the rain storms that may carry on, on and off, all day or half a day etc., I am kitted up to protect myself from that, and take the shelter from the rain storms with me, so I can still get a good dry, lay down sleep, out of the weather...

So taking good care of your self requires adequate rest, adequate exercise, adequate liquids (water) and adequate nutrition.

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anonmachina 4 years ago

I think you can buff that out--it'll look like new.


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Yeah look the "falling asleep at the wheel" videos on PooTube - They fall asleep and within 2 or 3 seconds they are heading off the road or into the oncoming traffic - it just happens SO fast.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

i have been so tired that i personally find some store parking lot just to take a little nap, even during the winter, i always made sure to pack blankets for that type of situation, and if i have to i will turn on my car every hour for roughly 20 minutes, to warm up the car again then it's back to sleep.

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Can you sleep in the back seat? Like lay down horizontally and get a proper rest? Or can you sleep OK sitting up?

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: my seat can extend backwards.

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@KEEPER: I gather you live in a DEEP snow area in winter.... Here we might get severe frosts an perhaps a sprinkle of snow, every 10 years... it's the summers that can be fairly dangerous if your stranded with no shade, no water and for a long time.... But if it is really fucking HOT, as in 45*C - a day which would only be travelled if it was really important and urgent - as if a friend was on their death bed and had a few hours to go etc. well you pull up under a tree with lots of shade, out of the wind prefereably and leave the car running with the air con on.... But the winter - your fine with a blanket or two... even in the tray if it's not raining and not blowing a gale.... But you can always park behind big buildings like wheat silos to get out of the strong winds, and tie down a tarp over your bed... This is good for an hour or two... and even all night IF you do it right....

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yep - 11pm or so - In Australia we drive on the left hand side of the road, because it is English and Proper, and I had fallen asleep, drifted across the lane of the oncoming traffic, and had gone right between the road marker post and power pole - at this exact location. I missed the trees, the power poles, the culverts, the ditches, the embankments of the side roads - everything... A HUGE fright.... Very lucky....

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: that sounds like Arizona's weather. Really hot dry heat, it almost never gets cold there except for maybe during this last snow storm that the lower States went through recently. But other than that it practically never happens. I had to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit because I didn't know what Celsius was, it didn't make sense to me. But that's because I'm used to the fahrenheit system. Yes summer can be a pain in the ass dry heat especially, I have had my fair share with dry he is well. And dry hit you can be really fucking bad but I honestly feel like moist he is worse. You can't get cool and moist heat NASA Florida has you take a shower that day and right after you take a shower it feels like you need another shower because it makes you sweat like hell.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

I have experienced all of these conditions, I actually prefer the cold over the Heat however going out in the cold in the snow and ice I prefer the heat over that lot less dangerous to.

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Advice to anyone driving around a bit on the "too tired" side - just don't.
Have a good rest...

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