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Falling Down - The Great American Lie

Published on 04 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation

FALLING DOWN is still one of my Favorite Film's of all time, because every time you rewatch it there is anoth layer of the Onion to peel away, with some very deep and quite disturbing scenario's biult into the production. It's a dambing reflection mainly on American culture, but western Culture in General. We are now seeing this Culture as it is today as it has moved on from Falolin Down as more issues and more people reject today's culture of WOKENESS and Diversity that far from being Inclusive is very much the opposite especially if you are a White working clas average MALE that has had every ill often vreated by others, namely those tyhat created the problems in the first place will Attack out of self Guyilt maybe/ just my opinion, Certainly it is steadfilty remove ME from it all?

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Jaygo 8 months ago

This has been going on for the Longest. Malcolm X, MLK and many other before them have been talking about these very things. The fact of the matter is. None of this is new. It's just that the White man is the last domino they planned, and is knocking down. The Same "people" who are causing all of this were the very ones trying to stir up hatred between Blacks and Whites, when Black men were trying to Red pill their White brothers on what's was going on way back in the day.

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mrghoster 8 months ago

Yeh! these Bastards will use who they like to get their end game working. Personally Color doesn't enter into it, it's like women I don't HATE women as women (as weird as some of them look these days)! lol! Nope it's attitude and if a weak mind fall's for the BULLSHIT that is their problem, but trivia like skin color or what you have between your leg's is superficial and frankly childish. There have been MANY famous Black People there have been many Women that have changed our world for the better, but right now ALL white MEN ar EVIL, so where told! lol! This is because MEN regardless of color are still in charge, we have the brains and WE will succeed and they don't like that, so all the can do is use Gynocentrism and women (THE WEAK) to deride and blame us. There WILL come a time when it will change, but wtf are they gonna use or do to get MEN they Blamed back on side? A real MAN wont fall for the bullshit. MEN walk, build NEW lives and wont be returning to politics or women . I'm personally thriving because I'm toitally finished with both. Peace Bro.

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Jaygo 8 months ago

Oppression maketh a wise man mad.

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GenerationLESS 8 months ago

How HMTs are formed.

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Councilof1 8 months ago

I loved that movie when it came out and essentially I felt similar to how the narrator not now feels. Between that and They Live I came to see we're fed nothing but lie's. Oh maybe I'm just a pessimist LoL.

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mrghoster 8 months ago

Nah!you ,are not a pessimist, thye truth is mnow out and yet the masses still cant see it because they are brainwashed into a deep dystopic dream or nightmare they just cannot conceive in their dumb mind's. I occasionally think back to before my mind basically exploded way back in 1995, although I was already experiencing questionable stuff even before then? but as they say - You cant unknow what you now know!

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Councilof1 8 months ago

@mrghoster: I think my grandfather and father helped me in that aspect. They always pointed out the lie's from as early as I could remember. I think many people are stuck in Plato's Cave so to speak and might never find their way out.

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