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Fallout 4 testing mods

Published on 29 Feb 2024 / In Gaming

mods i was testing are "crime and punishment" alongside "sim settlements conqurer" "knockout framework" these mods within conjunction offer the ability to knock out and kidnap but also to enslave raiders or any NPC to be honest, the crime and punishment mod offers the ability to do a whole lot more but i couldn't show all the things it does in one video.

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KEEPER 12 months ago  

i didn't send out notifications on this video because it's not important, it was just a fun testing video i created for the hell of it.

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sbseed 12 months ago

wish i could get mods working on linux... but i will not use the shitty nexus bs...

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KEEPER 12 months ago

wait a sec, so i was talking with another dude online about this, and he told me he has no issues modding on Linux, hell he claimed it was roughly the same protocol in how to mod on a Microsoft PC, but you are telling me it's hard? honestly i don't know what to believe, was that dude just boasting about his ability to mod on Linux or was he trying to convince me that it's just as easy to mod on Linux, like idk. most other people on Linux respond like you, but for some reason this guy said it was easy. i have been thinking about going to Linux due to microsoft always pulling shit out their ass and fucking with the consumer, but if the one reason of me making the move over to Linux is just as bad as it was 5 years ago, idk man, i want to play my most played games, which are by far the bethesda games, i love to play test out and mod and tweak. now what you said about the nexus i agree with, however their site has the most comprehensive list of amazing mods that it's just too hard to ignore, now i will never give them any money and i will always adblock them, and use their free services, these are the only forms of protest i know and are willing to do because i know they gain nothing from me in that respect which is why i still use their site, i don't support their stupid policies or politics though, like fuck it's funny how they allow so much degeneracy but won't allow some mods that are degenerate in other ways like the vast majority of the catalogue on lovers lab lol, i have a few lovers lab mods myself and to be honest none of them are that bad, but i haven't been using them as long as i have the nexus so i can't say i have tried everything on that site.

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KEEPER 12 months ago

like one of my contraversial mods is a mod that allows you to save kidnapped women who have been put in compromised poses that you free and there is an option to fuck them, because you saved them, like that's realistic even in the west, maybe not anymore because feminism and shit, but at one point that was a real thing that women would do before they realized they could use this situation against men. anyway i don't think it's that controversial lol, i mean that same mod allows what the idiots at the nexus really love, you can fuck a man, now i never get into that kind of degeneracy lol, but my point is these kinds of mods allow you to do things that you normally wouldn't be allowed to do otherwise, nexus allows sex mods, they didn't used to, they allow nude mods, when they didn't used to, they allow child porn simulated via video game which is probably the most degenerate shit i have seen and is worse than anything i have seen so far on lovers lab, so the nexus are into some fucked up shit but pretend like they are all high and mighty speaking for the little people, trans and gays and shit, i find it so funny they ban anything that even suggests god forbid traditionalism lol, these people are moronic lunatics' straight up. the funny thing is if a muslim modder uploads women wearing burka's and such they will allow that on the site, it's like they can't make up their damn minds in what is allowed and not allowed lol, oh but if someone who isn't a muslim makes a mod that involves much of the same things only from the west perspective, it's suddenly banned and evil by their own standards. the owners of the nexus are down right delusional hypocrites who seem to change their policies based on the democratic politics of the time, so if in the future it's suddenly cool to not fuck children or abuse them, they will change their tone and pretend they were against this stuff the whole time.

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KEEPER 12 months ago

it's just really too bad they are the biggest mod site on the internet and there are no other or better alternatives to compare it to, like there are other sites sure, but none of them come close to what's on the nexus.

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sbseed 12 months ago

@KEEPER: it depends on what version of linux you are using as well as compatibility of certain programs with WINE software that is basically an interpreter for windows programs on linux

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sbseed 12 months ago

@KEEPER: while wine works for a lot of stuff, it does not work with mod managers and the in-game mod manager via creation kit thing/website stuff does not work with GoG...

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sbseed 12 months ago

while i can do a manual install of mods, in most cases it is a complete pain in the ass and the launcher does not always work properly, also FOMM does not work properly with WINE and linux mint.

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KEEPER 12 months ago

@sbseed: so it's more complicated than i thought, again i know next to nothing in this direction, i hear the words wine being tossed around but i don't really understand what that is and why people choose that over something else, like i don't always understand the motivations of things, i guess you could have a few diffrent Linux PC's that you use and each having their individual use, it's too bad none of them can really work well with each other like kind of coopt their efforts in making Linux highly sought ofter, it's almost like Linux is in competition with itself, like i don't understand it, at the end of the day i just want to play my games and watch shit on youtube and have some privacy features and a operating system that isn't trying to control you like Microsoft, but easy enough to use that it's not hard to make the move when the time comes, right now i'm on win 10, i wish i never upgraded i wish i kept my win 7 which was so much better, but now that's being discontinued for a gaming machine by steam so eventually we have to move on, i like the idea of Linux though as it promises so much of the same stuff i enjoy about the good aspects of Microsoft, but there are just to many issues that make it not work right for an individual to want to make the move, like in some ways it sounds like Linux has advanced long passed it's early days, but in many ways it's still functioning like the early days, like i don't know what to think anymore, there is just to much complicated shit involved.

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KEEPER 12 months ago

and as much as i like to mod my games and involve myself in this complicated shit, i still feel like a normie dipshit when it comes to any other tech oriented shit out there and Linux is both complicated and hard to understand how to work with.

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KEEPER 12 months ago

@sbseed: sorry if that was to much of a rant, i just hate complicated things, lol and modding is complicated and i hate it, however i do it because i love the results and the potential that it can have when done right. i still feel like a noob in modding my games.

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KEEPER 12 months ago

but i know a fuck load more than i did only a decade ago when it comes to modding on PC. before that i was a normie dipshit who was a console peasant only getting the left over scraps that were only on console, i wanted more and unfortunately that was only found on PC long before they decided to get mods on consoles.

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sbseed 12 months ago


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KEEPER 12 months ago

the crime and punishment mod has this really fun Karma system that goes up as you do some actions and you become hunted by the gunners faction, or mercenary's, anyway it makes the game really fun.

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KEEPER 12 months ago

it won't work on the raider children though, so your only options are to kill the kids, you can sort of save them by kidnapping them, but their AI package is only raider so they can always default back to being raider children without any other option to save them. lore wise you can think of it from the idea that these children were kidnapped into the raider gangs and were indoctrinated to fight for the raiders by force and will never trust anyone else, so they are always children who have been corrupted and must die. i don't like that aspect as i think there should be an option to save them, but the mod is what it is, so your kind of stuck with how the mod works.

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