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Fallout Day Sucked, so here is RadioGundo! Mod preview

13 Просмотры
Опубликован в 25 Oct 2024 / В азартные игры

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KEEPER 5 месяцы тому назад  

so the story behind this video is some modder dude wanted to take some clips of itsagundam and make a radio station using papa gundam's voice, and i like the idea, anyway the dude made it just for the fun but he sent it to gundam to see if he was interested in actually making a real mod out of it, and i think gundam is all for it because he mirrored this video to his youtube and linked to his twitter page here of more clips of this experiential mod in work and you can view and listen to that video on gundam's X page.

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WMHarrison94 5 месяцы тому назад

Yeah... I like ItsAGundam... I never wuld have known about Twitch THOTs in so much detail and the only male one DSP and all his memes... I wish we had like a real legit Manosphere Network channel just so we could give Gundam a nightly show-- he'd take all the night owl "News" comedy hour... just saying. He's actually talented: Heaven forbid they give him a show...

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KEEPER 5 месяцы тому назад

@WMHarrison94: i remember when ppl thought he was mgtow and asked him, and he said no, and you can tell he likes women, but women just reject him lol, like i get it, he's what we would call purple pilled, he has red pill knowledge but he's gynocentric, he is addicted to the pussy so he's not quite mgtow, the comedian bill burr is the same, he's purple pilled, he used to be on the red pill path, but he cucked out and got married and one day i'm sure she will take him for everything, and maybe by then he will convert to going his own way.

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Toki 5 месяцы тому назад

@WMHarrison94: Sadly he is chasing after unemployment and donation simps. He cares about the profit first therefore he will not uncensor himself. He won't come to this site for example because there's no money in it. I like Gundam also but talks a lot of shit for being unemployed like a single mom.

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WMHarrison94 5 месяцы тому назад

@KEEPER: perhaps, but fotr a black woman, a white husband is a trophy: Not to mention, he likely makes her laugh.

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WMHarrison94 5 месяцы тому назад

@KEEPER: perhaps, but fotr a black woman, a white husband is a trophy: Not to mention, he likely makes her laugh.

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KEEPER 5 месяцы тому назад

everyone keeps telling me to play this game, but i'm attached to my controller and i can't compromise on that, but i would really like to play this game and get to experience what ppl keep telling me of what's so damn great about this game.

you have convinced me damnit! i now want to play, but i hate to ask, i need help figuring out how to install this game and make it stable, because i feel like a dumbass with these older games and fixing them, that's why i mostly play FO4 because my skill level is not that great at modding and the game comes with amazing controller support, where this game doesn't.

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WMHarrison94 5 месяцы тому назад

Hey... at lwast you're modding. The last games I modded was DOS Tomb Raider to Nude Raider with Tesla Cybertruck inspirig triangular boobs and Tomb Raider 2 the first two or three chapters... Hey, you hadn't played Nude Raider until you watch Lara swan dive and pull a shotgun out of her ass...

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KEEPER 5 месяцы тому назад

@WMHarrison94: i tried that with one of the games, but it was kind of dumb lol, don't get me wrong i like that stuff, but meh, those games you can't really mod the fun stuff, the only really fun things are the nude mods or outfits, not much more can be modded sadly.

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Toki 5 месяцы тому назад

I used x360ce when I played New Vegas and it worked great. Same with Fallout 3. It's a freeware program that works for most games because it emulates a 360 controller and puts Xinput into the game for you.

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Toki 5 месяцы тому назад

Also just pirate the game because it's a Steam DRM game. That may be why your controller isn't working because Steam has their own controller app that may be messing it up for you. They want you to buy their Steam controller basically.

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KEEPER 5 месяцы тому назад

@Toki: when i first got on steam i purchased this app, the app still works till this day, but it's not perfect, the older games it unlocks controls of basic things, but when it comes down to navigating game menues, it's annoying as hell, like for example i tried to play Oblivion and that game is simple, but the menu to get it to work you had to be precise in selecting a scrolling portion of the menu, and it was damn near impossible to use because it was specifically meant for mouse to navigate, it pissed me off more than you could possible imagine, eventually i just gave up, so though the program does help, it's just not good enough support, however i have noticed that for some games that already come with controller support, it aids me further, as i can make bindings over the top of existing bindings and unlock more potential while i play, i also have secondary bindings, so navigation is suddenly far faster than before and i can make one button do more than 1 thing at a time.

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