Famous ER actress annihilated by police when she draws a weapon
79 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 14 May 2022 / Im
Nachrichten & Politik
Not the best clip, the full unedited footage of the bodycam is on youtube if you search for it but this gives a quick rundown. This acress is famous and well known, and the police just shoot her more than elias from platoon. the gun turned out to be a BB gun. And this is in libtardia, california.
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Let's take away dowries and men's authority to babysit women.
That was suicide by cop! Plain and simple!
lets see...broke into her house...and killed her...for what reason?? a wellness check...woooooow...the police are murderers. nice to know that these bastards...would even go and kill innocent people minding their business in their own homes.