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Farmers finally fight back

Published on 28 Jan 2024 / In Film & Animation

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That's right that's the way make them all eat dirty burning cow shite and put it all over their homes and houses till they cry and give into your demands hold their feet to the fire make them pay

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KEEPER 1 year ago

they could just light it on fire, that's a shit load of methane, hell the methane alone could kill them if they don't have any breathing masks, i have heard stories of people dying in methane pits and they were only in there for a minute or less, and when they see someone passed out like lemming's they jump in after that other person and they end up dying as well, it's sad but methane is a killer in large quantities.

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@KEEPER: yeah I don't blame em they should do that to all the corrupt politicians spray thir homes with all that methane and then light the cow shite or horse shit or bull shite and let the smell get the politicians and police to surrender and be held accountable for fucking over the French people. They learned from their yellow vests that the politicians didn't care until they got out classed and out maneuvered by French farmers.

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They just using BLM tactics only better as these farmers are the real professionals when dealing with animal shite and they want these corrupt politicians to surrender to their demands and be held accountable and receive justice. I don't blame the farmers do what you gotta do to get what needs to be done and like most politicians they never do dirty work as they don't want to get their hands dirty.

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I'm glad farmers are getting dirty and giving them taste of their own medicine.

We can learn from them and throw liquid shite over all politicians indeed ruin their expensive cheap suits and cars with cow shit and make them submit to the people. It's about time people learnt dealing with your own shite by throwing your shite and problems back to the puppets and get them to get their hands dirty.

No surrender no negotiating and get them out of office and no retreat.

God be with Farmers and get back all you deserve freedom justice and God above all these green zero emissions bullshite.

Godbless and Godspeed \G/

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KEEPER 1 year ago

i wish we would do this in America, but these people are obviously smarter than us, especially when it comes to shit being a subtle way of killing someone, because of the methane issues, like most people don't know this, but sewage is deadly because of the methane, it's a good thing our shit goes under the streets out of our houses and vents through the grates, they also use some of that sewage as a power source in some sewage plants.

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@KEEPER: Exactly. Oh they know however Americans don't go Full scale because they want to try to solve the problem peacefully however there is no chance of doing that with these corrupt politicians that don't care. America can do it and Texas starts it off however I doubt they will unless it gets really bad like it did in Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka's people let it get really bad until they had enough and all people swarmed politicians offices and were then relaxing in buildings better than their own homes. If America and Texas Falls so does Freedom and the rest of the world. \G/

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sbseed 1 year ago

altho i do have to say, despite the 'dumping of the tea' (at least it is imported), what a waste of food...
oh well, still good for these farmers, the feds/globalists/elitists are trying to starve all the civilians and hitting the farmers and food industry with literal military precision.

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sbseed 1 year ago


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