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Fat Single Old Drunken Feminist Sluts in the Making - Go KFC Go!

Published on 28 Dec 2022 / In Film & Animation

Werk it as you walk it to the sofa. There’s only one look you do the morning after, and that’s to look on the Fried Side of Life.

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Aussie Women are such shit bags.

LOL - 5 years and 500 pounds later..

The Australian Media and TheAdvertising Agencies and the Stupid Bitches who subscribe to this crap - Fuck Them.....

Back to the Feminist Universities, Back to the Corporations, Back to getting OLD, Fat, Unmarried and No Children...

And then saying, "It's all the mens fault!".

While these dumb fucks never said no to any of this shit.

Channel 7 are lying cunts = Eat Shit in their adds and then complain about the obsity epidemic in their news.

KFC have always made zero nutrition high energy density food..... Not actually evil in small portions WITH a heap of fresh vegetables, but there is nothing vegetable in their foods - only sugary shit and deep fried chicken.

And Cricket Australia - or what ever the fuck these zombies call themselves - non of them are putting the foot down and saying, "We only want adds showing healthy foods and good quality family friendly adds during the cricket matches on TV"

No these brain dead cunts will do anything for a $ - including running adds with whores, the drug fucked party life style and eating zero nutrition junk food - fucking LOSER WOMEN who have no future.....

Until the population arced up about these same cunts running adds for booze and cigarettes, these fucking arsehles in the Australian media - were pushing the legal drugs onto the fans - all the role models were puffing away on cigarettes and guzzling piss at an atronomical rate....

The cunts in the media have absolutely NO scupules about lying big time to everyone about everything.

So toeing the line with the vaccines and covering up all the deaths and injuries - same, same - absolutely NO surprises there...

The media in Australia basically deserve to get the shit kicked out of them before they get tried and hung for their crimes against humanity.

And as far as he fake party scene, there are no bottles and casks of whine, beer, spirits, AND there are no lines of shit to snort, used syringes laying around, no bongs, no joints and cigarettes in the ash trays, and no used and unopened condoms etc....

None of this in their lounge room or bedrooms....

The whole drug fucked fake party is sanitiesed - "nice girls eating KFC only have runny maskara" - instead of being drug fucked whores, like they really are.

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I have tied these six videos in together... they make more sense that way and they cover each other to give a more complete picture.

01. Harry Lustig - Sugar - The Bitter Truth.

02. Harry Lustig - Fructose Two Point Zero

03. Fat Sick and Nearly Dead

04. Jason Vale - Super Juice Me

05. Super Size Me (2004) - Documentary (SWESUB)

06. How to eat for health, longevity and happiness

Super Size Me - This guy not only tells you that junk food is poison - but he tells you HOW it really fucks you up.... internally..

Dr. Robert Lustig, UCSF Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, updates his very popular video “Sugar: The Bitter Truth.” He argues that sugar and processed foods are driving the obesity epidemic, which in turn affects our endocrine system.

There is a funny thing that if your not eating a BALANCED diet, then you CRAVE nutrition - so if you eat CrapDonalds, there is nothing nutritional about it at all - and in fact ALL the dieticians in the video said avoid this shit like the plague, but a few said, "It's OK for an emergency meal on a rare occassion - when given the choice between being hungry for 2 days and facing another day or two without food".

But the real issue is that IF you are eating LOTS of fresh vegetables, that gives you all your NUTRITION, and it fills you up AND the meaty fatty foods add the energy. Once your eating lots of coleslaw, some fruit, salad, and tons of good stuff, one tends to not feel hungry and or crave food much - so some meat and cheese and other high energy and protein foods, tend to balance it all out, where as junk food like CrapDonalds, is glucose from the flour / starch, surar from ALL the added sugar, and zero fucks given for ANY nutrition - and even the CrapDonalds salads are FILLED with HEAVY SUGAR BASED dressings - they they starve you with a lack of nutrition and keep you addicted on sugar hits for energy = it's really bad ethics, principles and food.

The final video I have included from Harry Lustig is "How to eat for health, longevity and happiness" - where MOST of the main diseases that we kill ourselves with, are metabolic diseases from processed foods.

Heart Disease, Fatty Liver, Diabetes, Cancer, Hypertension, Dementia, Cancer, Polycystic Ovarian Disease, Dylypodemia, are ALL metabolic diseases killing 75% of all people, they occur INSIDE the cells - they are from BAD, processed foods.

These six videos - in combination - "Eat Healthy and in proportion to your nutritional needs and activity levels".

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joolco22 2 years ago

A house full of tramps, its the only stiff bone they can get in todays world

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