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Fat Women Shouldn't Dress Sexy? - MGTOW

Published on 23 Jun 2021 / In People & Blogs

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- Red Pill Ring

Husband, 55, who accused his wife of having 'fat legs' and told her to dress ‘more like a woman’ during stormy 17-year marriage is cleared of domestic abuse charges

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the third of three recent donations by Randy the Dakota MGTOW. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover an article I put in the description from the Daily Mail called: "Husband, 55, who accused his wife of having 'fat legs' and told her to dress ‘more like a woman’ during stormy 17-year marriage is cleared of domestic abuse charges" unquote. So apparently insulting your wife now gets you charged and arrested. So the next time she asks you does this dress make me look fat you have to say no unless you want to take the risk of having some guys chubby custard launcher up your poop chute in prison. So Paul Marsden the 55 year old man that did this suffers from osteoporosis, arthritis and is wheel chair bound. He couldn't even run away from the cops if he wanted to. The next article I'm sure I'll read is about a quadriplegic that got arrested for hitting his wife. I spoke about this law around four years ago when the UK passed the idea that not giving your wife money and abusing her in verbal ways where words would become violence would be commonplace and now we see the consequences to those laws being passed. Controlling and coercive behavior if proven in a court of law are violence. Remember that word coercive because later on in this video I'm going to tie it into what could happen to the manosphere. I'll discuss the story more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the quadriplegics getting arrested for assault clown world show. So Paul Marsden's wife says that he didn't let her see her two kids from a previous marriage on the weekends and he would monitor her phone to see whom she had been talking to. She said she would cook for him but if he didn't like it he would throw her food in the trash. He forced her to wear dentures because her teeth were corroded and he didn't like the look of them. What kind of monster asks a woman to wear dentures so he can find her attractive enough make out with? This is just appalling behavior. Appalling I tell you. She claims he had complete control over her life and would let her go out and do the things she wanted. What was he going to do? Run after her if she didn't obey him? The judge acquitted Marsden of the charges saying there was evidence of coercive behavior but insignificant evidence proving that Mrs. Marsden was fearing violence from him. Therefore the court cannot be sure that he engaged in controlling or abusive behaviors. That's great because everything she said is hearsay. There is no direct evidence. Just an accusation with no proof. She also wanted a restraining order against him but they hadn't spoken or seen each other in many months so the court decided against it. This story highlights that if you're in the UK and you have a fat wife and you tell her she's fat and then proceed to physically intimidate her then you could be going to prison. The idea in the comments section of this video is that Marsden is a narcissist and that he was using coercive control on his now ex wife. The way you deal with narcissists is to leave them and stop giving them their narcissistic supply if that's really what he wanted. But how exactly do we know that he's a narcissist? How do we know that she didn't just make up the story to make him look like the bad one as she was leaving him anyway and wanted to punish him for something. At least the courts figured that might be the case. But how do we know that next time the judge isn't some feminist that hates men and wants to punish them for no other reason then the fact that they are men. Odds are she's fat and probably doesn't dress sexy at all.

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Many simps are about to learn of the trap they've set for themselves, through their own desperate stupidity. If only they had set more reasonable standards for those waah?men, instead of going "hoggin'" (Andrew Dice Clay) for that one night of "desperation for pvssy". In these soon coming days of Isaiah 4:1, even those who chose monk mode won't be safe, though overall, we'll still be in the most prudent positions.

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UnwillingVillian 4 years ago

I couldn't watch the pics. I just ate & don't have easy access to a toilet...

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TheLibertarianRebel 4 years ago

I like a voluptious woman for a Kum & Go session but a wamaloe? No way, I don't want to be crushed to death.

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bigintol03 4 years ago

What really pisses me off is these whores want to be responsible for NOTHING! Even when they're fat fucking pigs men shouldn't say a fucking word about it, they just want to be worshipped like the "godesses" they think they are, and us men should be grateful that the whale is giving us any attention at all! In the last 2 years I've lost 115 pounds, not because I'm looking for accolades from anyone or validation from a broad, I just got sick and tired of being a fat fuck who couldn't fit into any of my clothes...that's the reason, nothing else, I don't want to be congratulated by anyone because I NEVER should have let myself get that fat in the first place, and I still have 35 lbs to go before I reach my goal of 225, but I know that I'll get there, and it is really nice to be able to fit into some of my clothes again! lol

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