There was thiis ass hole , originally from massachusetts.. had lived in idaho.. his dad settled in alabama.. I never liked him.. and he was a user bum.. plasterer I guess.. Hee belives the planet nibiru thing.. obviously he wants it to be true because he claims it is true.. to acknowledge the possibility , is one thing.. He claimed he and his dad could see it coming up behind the sun.. total retard. well, durig better times, he was able to buy a house.. he then took on a mail order bride basically.. an attrractive philipino woman.. He refinanced 25 thou on his house to give to his new mother in law.. so she could have a house built in the phillipines.. me married his wife.. brought her to America.. He then lost his house to the bank, ,due to OUR ECONOMY uhh, bush the lesser.. , had nothing to do with the femon ,, w ell, she got a job at the grocery store.. left him.. divorced him, got pregnant by juan carlos.. who fought responsibility.. stupid dave used to say ,, laughing,,, its not my kid.. I tell him right back, oh we know that dave.. you didnt have to say that.. but he brought this foreign baby maker into our country so he could fcuk her for a couple years.. Thanks Dave ,, oh why would I be thanking him.? I was being sarcastic its stupid ass holes like him who help further destroy America.. Dave could tell you something and forget he said it.. he smoked weeed .. or he was just a liar. tall gangly skinny pretendeer.. loser... at least marry an American white girl. . so whatever happens..
Dave is a stupid stupid person. living out of his one ton truck with a topper.. staying anywhere anyone would let him.. tried schmoozing up to me.. lol. gave me some gifts.. uh. thanks Dave.. appreciate it.. huhh? come over?? no, I dont have guests.. His attitude changed immediately.. I am sure hes an indian giver. . lol.
I had mentioned on another channel the other day , that a potential retirement option for me could entail an offshore fishing trip into federal waters where I would acquire an immense illegal catch. get caught and sent up the river.. another part of that I think,, could be to impregnate a s manmy viable young American women as possible ,, beforehand.. ya gotta think out of the box.. You cant take your child support payments with you.. and plenty of girls nowadays looking for the sugar daddy scenario.. you know , ,like 20..
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Surrogacy bro... overseas...
There was thiis ass hole , originally from massachusetts.. had lived in idaho.. his dad settled in alabama.. I never liked him.. and he was a user bum.. plasterer I guess.. Hee belives the planet nibiru thing.. obviously he wants it to be true because he claims it is true.. to acknowledge the possibility , is one thing.. He claimed he and his dad could see it coming up behind the sun.. total retard. well, durig better times, he was able to buy a house.. he then took on a mail order bride basically.. an attrractive philipino woman.. He refinanced 25 thou on his house to give to his new mother in law.. so she could have a house built in the phillipines.. me married his wife.. brought her to America.. He then lost his house to the bank, ,due to OUR ECONOMY uhh, bush the lesser.. , had nothing to do with the femon ,, w ell, she got a job at the grocery store.. left him.. divorced him, got pregnant by juan carlos.. who fought responsibility.. stupid dave used to say ,, laughing,,, its not my kid.. I tell him right back, oh we know that dave.. you didnt have to say that.. but he brought this foreign baby maker into our country so he could fcuk her for a couple years.. Thanks Dave ,, oh why would I be thanking him.? I was being sarcastic its stupid ass holes like him who help further destroy America..
Dave could tell you something and forget he said it.. he smoked weeed .. or he was just a liar. tall gangly skinny pretendeer.. loser... at least marry an American white girl. . so whatever happens..