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Fathers Day 2024

Published on 01 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Hope you had a happy Father's day SHANE and funny you start the video with RAPE aka Canola haha.

I'm guessing it called back in the day RAPESEED I could be wrong and why they went to Canola which they say I worse for health today and to not use it as it can be used as engine oil.

Anyways any reason why in Europe Fathers day is Celebrated in May June time and Australian celebrates is much later any idea why you think that it? Also I bet the Useless Aussie Man hating Cunts made sure no one paid attention to Fathers day yet when Mothers/Whores day comes around they go all out.

Hope you had a great and Happy Fathers Day GODBLESS GOD BE WITH YOU GODSPEED \G/

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Without looking it up - and going from my memory - which is perfectshun in it's own wright, I think the word RAPE seed comes from OLD French and it's pronounced Rap-ay..... Looking it up: Rapeseed - plant from the cabbage family. From Middle English. from Latin "rapum" and "rapa" = turnip. ,

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