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Fathers-gynocentrism, and their little NAWALT daughters ---> MGTOW

Published on 23 Nov 2024 / In News & Politics

June 2016


The status quo is so easy to follow and breaking the mold so difficult mentally and socially. I can sympathize with the majority. I can't sympathize with causing harm due to mental sloth. All are individuals with many things in common but also distinguishing tallents. This maxim should hold true to male, female or child.

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Toki 3 months ago

"My wife isn't like that."
I tried to tell my two male coworkers to plan ahead but they won't listen. Pretty sure both are cucked already. Suspicious.
One has a wife that goes out of town seemingly once a month and he's all happy because he can enjoy his hobbies in peace. She's cheating for sure though.
The other one told me a long time ago when his wife was in college she requested that a foreign exchange stay in their home for a month. While he was at work at night. An African student apparently. Yeah she was fucking him for sure while the student gets free housing lol on my coworker's expense. I asked him if she would allow him to let an Asian women exchange student stay in their home for a month. He got mad at that idea. So cucked.
They both despise me because I'm single and have all the free time out of work to do what I want. Not beholden to anyone. But we still have fun at work, no worries. One of them at least is an anime enjoyer so he knows where the best women are. I believe his main waifu is Orihime.
Just the other day some new hoe at work wandered over to our area and my two coworkers tried to make small talk with her. She gave the bitch face "I'm creeped out" don't talk to me look. I told them to avoid talking to women so they don't get fired for being creeps. Then they got mad at me again. Sensitive Sallys when it comes to women. It's fun to push their buttons and see them rage when I talk about how awful women are.

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