Fauci defended by Biden administration even as his ‘cover-up unravels’
Published on 08 Jun 2021 / In
Film & Animation
The Biden administration is defending Anthony Fauci even as his role in funding research in Wuhan is exposed and “his cover-up unravels,” reports Sky News host Sharri Markson.
“To look at the bigger picture, here's what's emerging, the United States funded highly dangerous coronavirus research - that was once banned - at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” Ms Markson said.
“That research involved creating new deadly viruses that never existed before."
Ms Markson said a “scandal” was unravelling which has seen not just China – but also Fauci and US agencies - covering up information about the origins of COVID-19.
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I NEVER trusted Fauci, not from the first time I ever laid eyes on him!
Fauci knew exactly what was going on. He needs to be hung with piano wire.
Gee, and who was President when this was going down? Obama -Yo-Mama! The lefties will never bring that one up.