Female Addiction & Why Avoid Women
Many men who have had bad experiences with women and learn about the red pill truth will accept this truth, but instead of going full red pill will try to find a middle ground, which we call the purple pill. They don’t want to give up on women in at least some capacity. Maybe they don’t want to give up on love and dating, or even if they do, they don’t want to give up on sex. Many more men find it difficult to give up on women socially and professionally because associating with them is a part of being a member of society. All of this is understandable of course, and I have been there. But I am here to tell you that there are no benefits for men to interact with women, and while you have nothing to gain, you also have everything to lose, and will almost always be at a loss in some capacity when dealing with them, no matter what your relation with them is. Essentially women are nothing but a liability, and an investment with all risk and no reward that is guaranteed to not give you any return but only cost you more and more over time.
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Other Resources:
Men's Self Development Book:
Complete Self Help Library:
Sex Ed For Men:
Female On Male Sexism Exposed:
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MGTOW.TV: https://www.mgtow.tv/@masculinismmovement
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Very interesting information regarding the chemicals and hormones altering a person's behavior. It helps to prove the "Chameleon Syndrome" is not only a real thing but also a very dangerous threat to a man and his freedom.