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Female Doctor Speaks The TRUTH About Misandry In The West

Published on 03 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation

This female doctor hit's the nail right on the head. Gynocentrism isn't and wont work. MEN are learners and that is why the world was built by Us. Removing or shaming us for that can only lead to desaster. MEN even in the shit sporm we have to cope with today are STILL learning and taking on board the world and culture around Us. That culture of gynocracy is and has started to teach the intelligent "Learning" MALE mind to walk away from the broken ineas, ideals. and lies of the past. quite a long time ago I abandoned women altogether. One you can shed the PUSSY POWER thing, a MAN can thrive and discover that he doesn't really need a women for anything, not even sex. Sex is such a MINOR thing in the whole charade that it is unimportant in a world like we have today.
I mkean a DVD or Mag, and cranking one off is quick, clean, you wont get STD's or STI's, You can return to usefukl stuff after pleasing NATURES urge. To abandon the old culture of marriage and relationSHIT's free's a MAN up. So the next time you are told to MAN UP, well you are actually doing it, Gynocentrism IS Freeing MEN UP to live their prosperous lives without distraction. Avoiding women gives you the respite and time to learn that Derision, put downs and blame mean fuck all and doi not any longer affect you. My female FREE life and klife style has helped me in leaps and bounds to get most of the things and mindset I had spent most of my life craving for, now I have it and all it requires is the abandonment of the female and Gynocentric culture LIE. Peace Gent's

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remarksman 11 months ago


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