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Female Gang Raids TJ Maxx… as NYC Gives Up on Theft

Published on 15 Dec 2024 / In News & Politics

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KEEPER 2 months ago  

what happens in commifornia also happens in NYC, good job voting for morons you morons who voted for the morons to do nothing.

anyway the same thing will happen to NYC, the businesses will leave because of the crime and not being able to recoup their lost money, then crime will become even worse and they will pray on the ppl still living there.

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Toki 2 months ago

8:00 in and the real reasons for the cameras explained. They always say the cameras are for anti-theft. They can also scan your face and the company could sell your wandering data. Consumer studies/marketing research/all those non-essential cushy jobs for office chair fat women and lazy men that don't help the economy at all. "Would you like to join the TJ Maxx Rewards Progam?" Give us your address, phone number, etc. so we can sell it for millions while giving you 1% off your purchase. The shoplifters made their own Rewards Program because they got tired of the employee constantly reminding them about the Good Boy Rewards Program offer. How about the corporate people give every customer the discount by default to encourage sales? I heard a small local business that is an adult toy/video store even has their own Rewards Program now. WTF? I don't trust your company with my address OK?

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Toki 2 months ago

It's also creepy to the innocent who no longer go into non-essential retail stores as a result. TJ Maxx products on the shelf were made in China. Mostly women knick knacks. Where are the production jobs making those toys? So TJ Maxx is a Chinese company then. They need to pay workers more so people will be motivated to have a job instead. They cut staff running skeleton crews with shelf-check out and guess what happened? However, who is stealing from who? As of now they are simply following the example of tax collection for the ruling class and voters such as women/families. While the top investors along with the top corporate pigs increase their income jacking up prices while worker wages remain pathetic and reducing human jobs. I would look at all the items in that store and consider them rich people luxury items to be honest. I wouldn't steal, but I'm not buying the overvalued Chinese crap either. Those cheap items should be $5. These investors and corpo suits are crazy to expect people not to steal these overpriced toys. The shelf prices are for their own kids and whamen at home at corporate level income. The corporate people simp for their diversity programs encouraging the shoptlifters get jobs at TJ Maxx, but they steal instead lol. First they get hired at the store to stake it out. Then quit a week later with store layout blueprints to steal stuff.
My mother used to force me to go along to a TJ Maxx and I always dreaded it. Childhood time wasted when I could have been at home on a PC with my dad. So this is extra sweet to me because my own ignorant mother is a voter and a peasant breeder. TJ Maxx going out of business is like a wedding planner business going under. Oh the poor whamens who created this economy by spreading their legs = The real vote. They can't buy their Harry Potter candles for $100 from China. Does TJ Maxx carry any Frieren merch? Probably not because hoes mad at cute anime elf woman I would want to marry instead of these hoes making babies with no future for them.

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Toki 2 months ago

Also consider this. TJ Maxx products all made in China. The company chooses to support this. The company does not consider opening factories in the very area where they open their stores. So you know. People have factory jobs with decent wages to buy things. Who are the real thieves? Meanwhile the people working at TJ Maxx retail do not get paid enough because the investors and management hoard all the profits like Evil dragons collecting treasure. So the TJ Maxx worker also needs to steal to survive by asking for welfare. Causing more inflation. Americans are just lazy though. That's why they won't open factories in America. All these Trump voters believe he will bring back production. But the voters want to be the management who ruin the factory productivity and employee happiness. This is why you MGTOW out of life completely. Do not buy anything. Do not Christmas because God and Jesus would be insulted how Christmas is simply a consumer holiday and men are obligated to buy people things for free. Do not support a non-essential business like TJ Maxx selling Chinese garbage. Is there anything in that store a real man needs? We can't help women become intelligent consumers though. No hope there. That's why you don't simp and let women become homeless where they belong.

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Furioso 2 months ago

KEEPER :Stop blaming voters ,this is not the people who decide ,the elites want to put the blame on people to avoid accountability ,that's why they created your fake right to vote ,to divide ,control and put us against each other and not against them .Rightwings and libtards are the two faces of the same coin ,the two sides suck jews hairy balls .What's happening actually is wanted by our "rulers" .They want us to kill each other because we are too many for the new world they are preparing for us ,they tried to kill most of us with the "vaccine" and they failed so they try with illegals and criminals ,that's why they do nothing against it for now .Later ,they will use martial law to restore "order" and you will be officially a SLAVE .Most sheeps will accept to sacrifice their LIBERTY for SECURITY .Trump will not save america ,if you believe that ,you are badly mistaken .

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KEEPER 2 months ago

ah your right, i forget, but i'm not sure about the whole voting thing, i mean why did they have to cheat, physically each time, they weren't selected so the vote does matter, but sigh.... i'm just sick of it, if i think your way i get all suicidal thinking and don't feel like i need to keep going, so it almost feels like i have to distract my mind and believe in things to prevent myself from going insane, like religious ppl, they need a god something to believe in, and i'm kind of on that path too, so this is why i go this route at times.

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KEEPER 2 months ago

i have to find something to believe in, yeah i know the meme joke "i'm coping" before that term became a derogatory term to make fun of ppl it used to be used in this way, so i suppose i'm coping, not doing the seething bit though lol. i listen to, to much of hammerhand i suppose lol.

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Furioso 2 months ago

@KEEPER: The mainstream medias made you believe that they cheated ,it's the elites propaganda tool to dictate the reality they want you to believe .Why do you want to get suicidal ? Because my opinion is legit and make you uncomfortable ? I agree with you with the fact that we should believe in something to evolve .This society have programmed us to be conformists ,obedient and dependent ,not free beeing with their unique critical thinking and individuality .We think that whe should search an external source of happines like big cars ,material things and wahmen just like a fake external savior like Jesus or actually Trump .Try instead to search your own happiness and your savior within you ,Don't judge what you see or hear too quickly ,learn to question it ,who benefit of the situation etc ...? That's what i try to tell you .,

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KEEPER 2 months ago

@Furioso: i will attempt to help you understand my point, hopefully i won't have to go into too much detail, so basically if i fill my life with to many negative's and not enough positives it tends to mess with my psyche, so i have to constantly find distractions to avoid the feelings of dread which lead to suicide, it's not just because the contents of the video, there are some other things in my life i have to deal with that are not as easily to get away from, before these other issues existed i had a healthy outlook on life, but now i feel like i exist in a meaningless existence, i try to find meaning but everywhere i look i only find distractions with no real results to help me, i'm religious but loosely because even that doesn't fulfill me like it once did. i have become jaded to a lot of things, i'm not the same person i was 5 years ago, i even feel to a degree that this lifestyle in mgtow isn't the correct path, however i will be going my own way either way you view it. i know the plans of the elite are to enslave me, and that can come in any form, i know that mgtow to a degree works perfectly with their plans to depopulate the earth as this is what they want in their ultimate goals. everything from birth control to contraceptives' to divorce to dividing the culture into groups to sex dolls all lead to the same thing, depopulation, is it rational to accept this reality or is it rational to understand that this is a negative that effects your psyche? i suppose both directions apply. i see no way out of this depression and where it will all lead. the saying live on your knees or die as a slave comes to mind, but the thing is, you will die anyway, so what's the point to all of this?

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Toki 2 months ago

@Furioso: Nothing wrong with being suicidal when you are stuck living in Dante's Inferno of Earth with humans. Or parents brought us into this world for one purpose = to pay their retirement. I don't know about you but I'm tired of being used by people my whole life. So they can go buy new cars, material things, and whamen because like I said it's Dante's Inferno of Sins. I have unique critical thoughts and everyone treats me like an Auslander for it. Because I don't conform to those around me. The only answer to escape is.. Then you go to isekai world with big anime tiddy harem.

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Furioso 2 months ago

@Toki: @KEEPER: If this kind of stuff mess with your psyche and you are suicidal ,do more of what makes you happy or give you joy ,everything in life is about balance and you should learn to be detached from things like this ,even of who you love ,attachment and desire are the main cause of human suffering .I have my own problems too ,so when i feel bad ,i meditate ,i stop watching this kind of stuff, i do things i like or i go outside to walk in the wild .

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Toki 2 months ago

@Furioso: It's illegal to go anywhere except work because I don't have a Gov license to go outside or go into the wilds they own. There are cops and DNR agents all over looking to steal from someone like me. I escape with fiction. I believe I'm dying of bowel cancer anyways so I shouldn't have to suffer much longer. I get plenty of exercise at work. Also if I go anywhere at all that will cost money. I prefer not to spend money and work part-part time living cheap. I don't even have shoes to go outside. I only own one pair of shoes = cheap work boots. If I try to go anywhere the local cops will ask me what I'm doing and possible trespassing. I own no land. The only thing that matters to me are anime tiddies and video games for escaping the 1984 reality. The only reason to go outside is to meet people. Maybe you live somewhere free in the rural parts of Alaska/Montana, but where I live all the parks are patrolled by Gov agents. Society doesn't welcome me as a Celtic Viking white man either. There's also 1984 cameras all over the outside world. No thanks. I'd rather not be filmed like a zoo animal.

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