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Female Hypergamy is like a Camp Site

Published on 09 Mar 2021 / In Film & Animation

women are Conscious to their Fuckery

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

No grizzley bears in the pacific nw they wanted to put them in though. Showed up to one of their meetings they were upset with me and a friend we asked so when do we get a permit to hunt. Visiting Alaska brown female bears will only protect their young grizzley bears will go after you and kill you. I had seen the scars of a native alaskan small woman 5 ft tall as a teenager one picked her up she shoved a 22 handgun in the mouth and repeatedly shot the thing killing it. She had the scars to prove it. One thing about those in charge of things they learned you cannot relocate a bear over it will travel hundreds of miles back to its own habitat. With women if you show up in a 70k car you will get laid and a second call. Tom Leykis used to at his conventions hand out his atm slips men would call in telling him what happened when he gave it with their phone numbers on the thing. One man didnt make it past the parking lot till a woman called sucking on his nozzle. Like it was her 1st yr of college. lol I tell young men never trust a woman if they say they are on a pill. First date even with a condom throw in those capsules of spermicide. It may burn but pee it out. NEVER trust a woman on first dates.

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