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Female Unemployment Rate Hits 15% & It's Funny - MGTOW

Published on 25 Jun 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Reignite: Transform from Burned Out to On Fire

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Happy Humble Hermit

Coronavirus sparked an economic recession that takes more jobs from women than men

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Stuart and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, You already covered my bonsai tree topic, as I'm just reinstating my support after a little financial scare. It's not as bad as first thought, but if you can give Happy Humble Hermit a mention, as he's very underestimated and needs a channel lift too, then that would be fantastic." Well Stuart thanks for continuing to support me during covid on Patreon. In case people don't know who he is Happy Humble Hermit is a fellow MGTOW content creator and I put a link to his channel down below in the description. He still tries to put out a new MGTOW video out on his channel about once a week and still uses the MGTOW acronym on his video titles even though it probably just gets him shaddow banned. As for the topic of this video since you didn't send me me one I'd like to discuss how the female unemployment rate is going up and up and I find it hilarious. But before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Reignite: Anyways, now back to the viceo. So I put a link to an article in the description called: "Coronavirus sparked an economic recession that takes more jobs from women than men" from ABC News which is an Australian news site and one of their correspondent's Kathryn Diss in the United States wrote this piece saying that more than half of the thirty something million Americans that have lost their jobs are women. There appears to a be a she-cession going on out there instead of the man-cession that we saw back in 2008 and 2009. But where's the equality? Society didn't bail those out men in 2008 but now it's bailing out women. I know women that have businesses and don't even qualify for the C E R B or Cerb for short which stands Canada Emergency Response Benefit and it's giving people an additional two thousand dollars a month to people that have been financially effected by the virus. I know one guy his mother lost her job and she's getting more money from the government then when she was working up here in Canada. Between the Cerb giving her two thousand dollars and her unemployment insurance giving her another two thousand dollars tax free she's getting four K and she didn't even net that much as take home pay back when she was working. Plus she doesn't have to put wear and tear on her car to go to work and doesn't have to do anything for all that money. On the other hand the majority of small business owners, soul proprietors such as myself we can't get that money because the relief policies are offered to employers that have workers but not the employers themselves. Considering the fact that the majority of small businesses are owned by men in Canada and probably the United States as well we will continue to pay our full share of taxes while not receiving any relief.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Excited man in fighting gesture with fists on fire. Rage concept. Heated fight.

2. Angry woman judging someone

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teddybearmgtow 5 years ago

I think Howard Dare had his channel hacked. Not sure if he knows it.

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Immortal_Liberty 5 years ago

No. He sold it. You can sell channels,when ut has many subscribers.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

I think howard dare's YouTube channel was hacked. Because that pubg channel is the same channel. And I doubt he would have sold his channel and not mirror or back up his content first.

So yeah I think he was hacked.

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Immortal_Liberty 5 years ago

No. He sold it. He needed money,he sold his channel due to 70+K subscribers

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KEEPER 5 years ago

@Immortal_Liberty: ok, can you prove it. so i can delete my video on this subject.

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Toki 5 years ago

Oh it's far higher than that if you take into account all the e-beggars who don't pay any income taxes. Support me on Paytreon everyone. Me. Because I'm breathing oxygen right now.

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Immortal_Liberty 5 years ago

Those aibt unemployed. Unemployment o ly covers those actively seeking work. Most are not.

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Toki 5 years ago

@Immortal_Liberty: Yeah and that's being an unemployed bum. I guess you're one of them? Streaming Fortnite on Twitch to take little kids' lunch money? Just asking. Anyone who dones't do real work is unemployed. Only exceptions are children, elderly who put in their time, and seriously disabled. Not trans, not lazy, but serious handicaps.

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Immortal_Liberty 5 years ago

@Toki: Official data shows that able-bodied working age men from age 18 to 64, official data, that 48% are unemployed fully,and another 13% are underemployed, that is 61% in total. Only 39% of able-bodied(not cripples or mentally heavily retarded who can't hold a job etc,many of those too,but they ain't counted) have full-time jobs,and only 52% of men aged 18-64 who can work, do work. I earn about 8500( after paying taxes) a month,so I get just over 100K annually,by playing video games on twitch,yes. And most people who pay me are guys(and gals) like me(I also sometimes pay some streamers for great entertainment) in their 30s and 40s,some in their 20s. Almost 18-19-year olds send me money. You do realize,moron, that kids don't have the ability to send me money via twitch,right? It's actually impossible to do. So nice try,dipshit. Jealous much? I love my job, it's business and pleasure simultaneously,and I don't live in a big city, so I got to buy a house and have no debts to anyone. Life's sweet, gaming keeps me sharp and will be playing for the rest of my life. Loving it. So many amazing games out there now. Cyberpunk 2077 will be amazing.

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Immortal_Liberty 5 years ago

@Toki: and more and more working age men,% wise, are getting out of the job market fully,including self-employment, most of them live off their silent generation or boomer generation parents,and then inherit their resources and housing,rent out rooms or housing,get help from friends or social welfare from the government. It is their right and choice,and for some it is too hard psychologically to work or they can't find work often,no skills. This is okay.

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Immortal_Liberty 5 years ago

@Toki: oh,and the 48% and 13% was for 2019, before coronavirus and lockdowns, so now it is definitely considerably higher than even that.

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Immortal_Liberty 5 years ago

@Toki: oh,and the 48% and 13% was for 2019, before coronavirus and lockdowns, so now it is definitely considerably higher than even that.

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Toki 5 years ago

@Immortal_Liberty: I'm not the one taking' kids' lunch money for a free entertainment platform lol. I would feel terrible scamming anyone online, it's immoral. Everything online is free bro. Unless it's in a package being shipped to my house. I don't care about money either. Being low income is great way to ghost and stay of out the looters' crosshairs. And face it, you're unemployed and probably don't report your donations for taxes.

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Toki 5 years ago

YOu likely play shit MtX games as well. Cyberpunk is already a joke with the pre-order model. It ain't shit compared to more specific games. You want adult gaming? Illusion Games. And Cyber is just a lame ass shooter anyways. So oversatured, but the low IQ Twitch viewers love that kind of stuff I understand.

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Toki 5 years ago

@Immortal_Liberty: Yes while I go be productive other people should be able to do F all because self-induced mental illness. And yes the Economy Crashing Virus. The Depopulation Agenda Virus. The women must wear burqas in public Virus lol. And even the men are following orders what they saw on CNN lol. Oh and by the way what Flu Virus? I haven't seen anyone with a Flu for over a year. Lots of people used it as an excuse to take two weeks off work though. The whole thing is communism. Now I understand that some people are truly entitled to welfare. Such as a quadriplegic. But everyone on Twitch is unemployed just like thots. What the difference between a male streamer or a thot? One has boobs and rakes in more tithes from their cult. It's cool man just calling it like it is. Cyberpunk amazing lol. So far all the women look like males! Prove me wrong.

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Toki 5 years ago

And your unproductive online scamming is short term as more people play the Virus game and stop going to work. They won't have money to donate. And you won't be able to drive down the road to buy groceries either. No supply because sheep are scared of their owners. Imagine when the power grid goes down. I'm fit, know some things about mechanical craftsmanship, have tools, hunting experience, fishing, etc. Streamers will be worthless in New Megaton. By the way you should mod and stream Fallout 3 or NV instead of get hyped about a game that is still being developed. Don't even bother with Cyber until 5 years after launch. Just like every other modern game it will be a mess upon launch with day one DLCs and shit. I'll just wait for the ISO pack of the entire game since they are not selling DRM-free versions and discs. It's a shitty cross platform attempt anyways. I'll wait for the PC remaster now that I think about it. If we last that long.

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Toki 5 years ago

Better yet play a real game with challenge like Darkest Dungeon. Dark Souls. Shooters are usually amateur kid's gloves games. I'd rather watch Starcraft 1. A real game of high IQ chess.

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Immortal_Liberty 5 years ago

@Toki: I have been sreaming on Twitch since day 1 in June 2011, and have been making 100K+ a year long before that on youtube streaming of gameplays since 2005 and had my paypal up for money. I have ,without naming numbers, enough money to last me for the rest of my life easily to live highly comfortably. I also have earned 900K+ through bitcoin trading since 2009(and still making a profit off of it). Those of us who got on top of it early made lots. But you sit in your,as you said, broke ass hole and say how great it is ,lol.. Hilarious clown.

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Immortal_Liberty 5 years ago

@Toki: Also June saw 5 million new jobs, unemployment for July projected to go down by another 8 million. So people indeed are going back to work and I never saw a loss of money sent my way,actually an uptick since March since people started to watch my content even more. :))

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Immortal_Liberty 5 years ago

@Toki: I just streamed Last Of Us 2 as it broke sale records and my viewing records too, it's also the last huge release for PS4,so it's great. More fun than Red Dead Redemption and the story was at least as good.

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Toki 5 years ago

@Immortal_Liberty: Proud of being a welfare queen manipulating children. Wow.. Bitcoin lol. You're full of shit. I don't believe anything at this point. Bitcoin lol. Maybe that will buy you a cash shop mount in WoW. But it's no good in real life. And again, everything online is free anyways.

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Toki 5 years ago

@Immortal_Liberty: Unemployment down? What are you talking about? There's more welfare seeking queens than ever. Businesses are cutting hours in half, laying off, and going under completely. Thanks to the f'ing Gov and media. Who the F wants to work when your employer forces you to wear a constrictive mask to submit and control you? Unemployment is still going up. The official reports from your cable TV are not truthful.

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Toki 5 years ago

@Immortal_Liberty: Oh god. You have a PS4? Why!? What a piece of shit that costs way too much money. Paying sub fees to sign in to DRM data theft, after buying the game, the online mode pass, the game sub fee, the MtX, the season passes, replacing the shit console every year, and the controllers. That PS4 controller is so silly. Just get a Logitech on PC for $30 without a slimy inefficient touchscreen that is designed to break.

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Toki 5 years ago

@Immortal_Liberty: Oh please don't tell me you paid money for Last of Us 2. What are you doing on this site? Why would you support that game? Red Dead 2? F that game it has MtX. You could be playing far superior games on PC with anime tiddy mods. Higher intellect games. Last of Us 2 and Red Dead are walking simulators. I wouldn't mind trying the PS3 emulator Red Dead 1 on PC though. Why are you supporting these online DRM games with MtX? Modern gaming is f'ed outside of indie teams. I'm playing a far superior Half Life 2 for hte first time ever. I replaced Alyx with Soria the elf because PC and tiddies. Sure would be nice to fix Last of Us 2 lol. Then it could be a decent walking sim at least with some attractive women and breast physics. Funny thing is Twitch won't allow that, but they cater to thots. F that platform. Why are you supporting gynocentrism by using that platform at all? Live streams suck by the way. 100% LPs are actually useful. Livestreams are just, "I'm too lazy to work gibs me welfare." And don't lie to me you are likely exploiting the system in multiple ways to avoid real work. Disability scammer maybe? Are you a girl? This level of entitlement leads me to believe so. Single mother household maybe?

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Toki 5 years ago

@Immortal_Liberty: Crazy idea - Get a desktop because the investment will last ten years. TV, film, anime, porn, games all free online. It pays for itself in 2 months thanks to inflation. Learn how to mod games to teach yourself valuable PC skills that could help with your streaming hobby. Instead you're paying Soyny to censor games, shit on men, shit on whites for no reason, and you have fun with that $800 PS5 lol. What will the sub fee be this time? $100 a year? Holy fuck man. That $100 could be spent on so many more useful things than lining the pockets of some diversity hire management at Soyny. The employees who do zero work and exploit the real workers beneath them. That's why you should pirate everything you can. These creators need to stand up for themselves and cut off the gaming publishers and everything. They are worthless. Ads? What are ads? I'm on PC. What do we need publishers for?

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TrevorWest 5 years ago

Men will be needing books like Reignite; most men sadly choose the burnout option when women demand more sacrifice.

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

BEtter bachelor is not here too!

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KEEPER 5 years ago

Bb is stupid. He thinks since he's on YouTube he's invincible. I appreciate his content. But he's ignorant that his content will always be preserved on YouTube. The funny thing is he created an account on only to rebuttal against some criticisms he had with hammerhand.

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Immortal_Liberty 5 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: Better Bachelor is not an insane bitter misogynist,he is not mgtow, that's what separates him from most.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

@Immortal_Liberty: well it could still be argued he's going his own way. but he's going his own way the MRA rout. he says as much in his videos. btw many mgtow used to be MRA's but eventually they found their efforts useless because whatever they tried was always challenged and changed by the feminists which means nothing was done, this is what caused men to walk away and what created mgtow. like if you believe that all mgtow is insane bitter misogynists than you have not payed any attention to how it began, however it could be argued that some are more black pilled in their convictions and actually do hate women because they have been fucked with and shut down repeatedly to the point where they become that way permanently. now will you please stop white knighting for bb like a insane feminist who reacts because their feelings got hurt?

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