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Feminism Frees Men - MGTOW

Published on 28 Mar 2021 / In People & Blogs

⁣Sponsor Link:
Passive Income With CJ

Moldy Dirty Pineapple:

Carl Jung - Shadow Projection

Mystery Link:


Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Travis and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, My buddy is MGTOW and I wonder if you’d follow their accounts and if you’d consider using their art in your video response to my question? Thanks! The apostle Paul, who wrote much of the Bible, writes that it is better to be single. I get you on that. How much of MGTOW’s description of “female nature” is Jungian shadow projection? And what should men recognize about their own nature in order to live meaningful lives?" Well Travis thanks for the donation and topic. I put the two links to you buddy Moldy Dirty Pineapple and his art in the description so people can go there and check him out. I also added him on Twitter but I don't have Instagram so I can't do that. As for your question I think it's a little bit laughable but also quite thot provoking. I put a link in the description to a video on Shadow Projection with Carl Jung where the narrator says that shadow projection is when we do things behind our own backs and unwittingly help our enemy. But how does sharing information about female nature help women? We are reducing their chances of finding a good quality man to marry and capture resources from him. We are making men aware of the tricks that women employ on men to convince men that the juice is not worth the squeeze. If anything it's the PUAs, MRAs and Incels that are shadow projecting. PUAs help women by giving them attention. MRAs give women a platform to speak at men's rights events and make money from the causes of men and Incels also give females too much validation by going under the knife to get chin and peck implants so they can get their peckers wet. How exactly do MGTOWs help women? I see no way. A better example of shadow projection would be leftist Wokesters fighting the alt right. They say they are against greedy capitalists and corporations yet they support the censorship of big tech platforms and the insane amounts of money they makes using our data illegally for their own benefit. They don't see that they are helping those that they claim they are fighting against. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Insert AD Anyways, now back to the video. The video about Jung says that the shadow only becomes hostile towards others when he is ignored or misunderstood. But how are men that choose to go their own way ignored or misunderstood by women? We are the ones ignoring women. We are not misunderstood. They immediately see us as a threat when they hear us speak and start shaming us calling us gay and selfish. They understand our behavior and they become hostile not our own unconscious shadow. Because let's get real that's what Jung is saying. The unconscious is the shadow. The shadow can take many forms according to Jung and it can take opposite sides of the ego and embody the qualities that one dislikes about other people. I don't see myself as doing that or many MGTOW content creators. In fact my channel allows me to embody the qualities I like in other people and my honest true self that I may not be confident enough to say or do in real life. I used to think that Sandman in some way was my Tyler Durden alter ego. The bad boy that could say or do all the things the real me wouldn't or couldn't. Not someone embodying the negative qualities of others so I can defend myself from the criticism of others. But instead a way to be honest and true. I feel that if anything I have to play the role of the shadow in real life and online in the MGTOW community I can be myself. Partially because I don't have FU money to say what I really mean. But as the price of Bitcoin keeps rising and the FU money keeps showing up I find that it's not changing my resolve and making me an asshole and to be honest it's a bit of a relief. Jung also says that sometimes the self and the shadow are pointing in the same direction.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

RGE has been saying this for almost a decade now... speaking of which, you should be a guest on a stream of his.

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RoboCat 4 years ago

I've heard that argument from various sources before and it always rings false.

'feminism' didn't "free men", a small proportion of men choose to walk away of their own volition for various reasons. 'feminism' is a leftist sub-group that is built from the ground up to increasingly corrupt government for the purpose of subjugating men to benefit women at their expense. It could not be more the opposite of "freeing men". Sentiments like that one reek of denial and a legitimately unhealthy form of "cope"..... similar to old people that say "I'm 80 years young!" or women that desperately claim they are "child free" instead of what they are; ChildLESS.

Accept the bitter truth of reality. Even if it is unpleasant or painful, it is always better to know than to live under delusions and potentially act on false information.

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

I *NEVER* wanted to have chillains, nor the happy life happy wife routine, and since we aren't a commie shithole anymore I'm not forced to participate in that "game".

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Menwalkaway 2 4 years ago

You do Not have to Sacrifice your Lives to Help women, Support women and Protect Women.
You Can Say NO

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