Feminism Has Cost Women Their CRITICAL THINKING Skills!
If you look at feminism of today you will notice women have fallen for basically a Corporate long con? It's never been MEN oppressing women but the corporates via Government. this is why women were handed every goody on a plate including money the corporates invested as they do in any business deal. Mow women are worthless and they the corporates have had their penniworth out of the dunb whores, they are being dropped as an investment. women NOW are costing corporates rather than mak=ing for them, so the good old default is back on the table as an investment - WAR. Works every time. this is why we have these periods of really good times in this case Women have had it, then as history show's it all fallds apart and war cleans things up to start the cycle again. Women this time ARE the collateral damage, because they ARE weak and pathetic and easily manipulated. Bad times are on the cards for women, who today don't even have REAL MEN to save them as WE have ALL moved to a place of safety sand are THRIVING thanks to feminism and womens shitty blane attitude towards MEN. So I bet the Hoe's are really gonna have to suffer for the way they treated MEN? I'n gone forever. women have absolutely no place in my NEW lifestyle and are NOT wanted, there is nothing in this HELL a women could sell me that is known to be a lie from their cursed mouth's.
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I'm glad I'm past the dick thinking phase. At this point women have nothing to offer me.
Funny story. There's prostitutes all over the place where I live. Last time one propositioned me "do you want a date" lol. Anyway I looked at my hand and asked it "are you going to charge me?". I then looked at the hooker and said "it's not going to charge me are you?" and walked away. Took her about thirty seconds to realize what I said. She freaked out and started chasing me down the street. I ran away laughing my ass off. Good times.
First clip : "The metoo movement is so strong and powerful for the people that need it, but it shouldn't ruin the maturity we should have within intimacy and relationships" : yeah Einstein, absolutely no-one could predict that this would happen if women can gaslight any action from a man into the opposite and destroy his life because she has a feeling; you know : believe all women, what a great idea! We are going towards a feminists society, you should be happy...
Funny! I just want to come home and have someone take care of me. Is that code for sex, for servicing her or does she want somebody to do everything? I don't think these THOTs understand what "independence" actually means?! Guess we all should by them dictionaries with that page bookmarked and independence highlighted! Oh wait, can they even read these days?
Can't Understand Normal Thinking.
1:38 Tatts & Carp Lips. No thanks!!!