Feminist throws lychee water on men with open legs

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Published on 24 Dec 2021 / In
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Note the few fefails on the train/tram didn't react at all except for moving away. We had an example in London that DID cause a shit storm for two elderly guys on a London bus. A big bruiser Alpha got on a bus with a women started to assault her and the two old guys moved to the back of the bus. they were berated for doing nothing and not calling the police, the fact that these two OLD guy's didn't have cell phones and would be idiots to confront a biker type or druggy type guy over what could be a domestic incident, they had to take the blame because it was a fefail in the event? Personally I Don't White knight for fefails anymore I don't even talk to them unless I have to?I've past many a fefail some on a wet cold night with a tire flat or car problem. I use the premise that feminism has given them about half a century now, to learn in the name of Equality to fix a fucking flat, or top up the iol and water on a car? but as we know "MULTI TASKING" is as much a delusional fefail LIE as Equality.
The thing is Nature always WIN's and NATURE is there still with women but the mechanism that makes it work for humanity is now a missing file shall we say. The file or part of the program of Fefail Nature is MEN, yet the MALE is doing pretty damned good without fefail interruption. In fact I believe NATURE's action toward MEN is one of Safety and Security for the future? After all it is the MALE that creates everything including the next Generation? Without out Sperm women are NOTHING, women may shit baby's out but they are NOT in control of humanity as their DELUSION's would have them believe?
From a NATURAL point of view MEN the MALE is still very much in charge and a women tipping water on your crutch isn't going to change that FACT!
Staged as eff
This seems fake. Not one of the men jumped up and decked the Feminazi.
Yeah she wouldn't want to assault me.
Not one of those Guys retaliated? what a bunch of PUSSIES either that or this was staged? All it proved to me is women are irrational CUNT's and should be avoided at all times.