Published on 17 Jul 2021 / In
Film & Animation
This British Model has a big mouth and should stick to the Cat Walk where her warped Brain isn't required? not happy with being a feminist deriding MEN she wants to vring in the race card as well. Funny isn't it the biggest racists seem to be BLACK feminist women? I know plenty of Ethnic Guy's and White Guy's and yet we get on just fine?
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Watching Susana Reid sitting there, saying nothing, being too busy looking good (on cosmetics obviously), picking up the pay cheque, fucking dreary. And she still has *her* job at GMB. Gutless shills.
This is the entitlement of a arrogant femom that plays a victim just because of her color. She is a sad excuse of a person no matter what colour she is. These femons make me sick and want to throw up all over them
I never thought that I'd start to like Piers Morgan, but I am...big time!
Real intelligence there.