Feminists are just Whiney Little Cunt Bags
Published on 07 Feb 2021 / In
Film & Animation
She said it.... So it must be true.
I like this chick.... A long forgotten person from my past.... But her message lives on.
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I don't know where she is or who she is or where she is from or where she has gone, but I am very grateful for the anti-feminist viewpoint.
It's a really healthy perspective.
You know there are SOME women you can really like, go out and have a coffee or a sandwich with, and spend a little time together every so often and not really get involved......
I like this one.
Unfortunately to little, to late for this one - maybe she can save her younger sisters and the rest of mankind
uggg... I bet she could have been beautiful without all the warning signs.
Honestly, I just wanna see if she's hot.