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Feminists Are Retarded Cunts

Published on 26 Oct 2021 / In Film & Animation

The thing with women playing the victim card, is that they are NOT victims, they are MAKING choices.
When she asked me, "Is there anything else I can help you with?", and I asked her, "Are you single and can you make good sandwiches?"
She COULD have said something like, "Naaaa not single but I can make a shit hot salad sandwich - what's your favourite?"
But she chose to play the retarded arsehole, "What you said was very rude, I am really offended - blah, blah, blah, blah"
Then I just bulldozed all of her crap back onto her.
"Here is your professional victim card back - arsehole".
⁣Feminists are just Whiney Little Cunt Bags - ⁣https://www.mgtow.tv/v/hqJ7tR

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sauger1001 3 years ago

I tried to click onto your "reply", regarding my comment about the Georgia Free video, but it came back, "Error 404. Page not found. The page you are looking for does not exist". Hope and pray the "satanic, globalist dyck sucking, communist goons in uniform" haven't gotten to you.

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Yeah there are a number of issues with uploading a file here or via another site etc., one being the end of the line, cellular network, all the repeater microwave stations and then the satellite and under sea fiber optic cable links... ALL the way from Bum Fuck No Where Australia and then there is the congestion here and on the server, and and and and - things get corrupted etc. So I think the file dudded out in the entire global transfer process.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: When it comes down to it, what we tend to take for granted is a pretty fucking amazing process.... Smart phones that do all sorts of really AMAZING shit.... Whooooo and then we have the global telecommunications networks.... Once upon a time, I was walking through Melbourne and I saw a van that did Fiber Optic cable laying... So being basically ignorant on the subject of hooking up fiber optic cables I stopped and asked the guy all about it and asked him to show me how it all worked. He invited me inside and there was an armoured briefcase with the lid open, and he sat me down and showed me how to join the fibre optic cables. Essentially there is a fixed anvil or micro-vice, holding one end of one glass fiber optic cable and then there is the "live" anvil that can be moved closer too or further away from, the other anvil and it had some movement in the towards you or away from you, plane, and then you steered the fiber optic cables together, until they were touching and then pressed a button to fire a laser, and that welded the ends of the fibers together.... So after joining 3 or 4 fibers together... I went "Oh wow - how amazing... " So people figure out how to make fiber optic systems that transmit data way faster than old copper cable phone lines, and then they figure out how to do this over thousands of Km under the sea, and then they figure out how to do it way faster, many times again, and then someone else figures out how to make copper cables transmit as fast as or faster than fiber optics... So even on what a fairly good but residential style cellular networks, to be able to get files that are tens or hundred of megabytes from Bum Fuck No Where Australia to the other side of the planet, to a server in the US and A, and to be able to do it fairly reliably - is pretty fucking incredible. More so when compared to sailing ships and paper mail or even the morse code cable systems and the earliest radios...

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