Femon Think
Published on 12 Aug 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Link to News item: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/ne....ws/latest-news/break
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A MAN doesn't want to MANSPLAIN anymore, not so much not allowed to. The Pink balloon is femon think or should that be "FINK"!, but the background is MEN with their "BLUE SKY thinking!
A Femon will float about in accordance with her inflated ego, until such a time as Father Time deflates her malignant solipsism, resulting in a spiraling decent and resembling a used condom...
Femon think, all hot air and no content. A balloon a perfect representation of their intellectual abilities. Watch popping the femon, don’t want the exploding std rate to proliferate even more…Cheers
Well, SoloMan. Many are ballooning in size while riding one Baloney sausage after another.