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Femons All Have Verbal Diarrhea About Nothing

Published on 09 Aug 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 30 days ago

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20 minutes? The guy got off easy.
I asked by Best Friend's girl a question. After an hour had passed, she was still talking and I had forgotten the question!

Try freezing glasses then pour beer into them, it makes for a better and easier beverage to consume!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 30 days ago

Yea but I run out of glasses

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 30 days ago

@SoloMan Zone: One can drink from the same glass more than once. I use my Lunch beer glass for my Dinner beer glass. Just requires returning the glass to the freezer.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

The US has been building an empire... I imagine , the british empire..
That's why they give our money to foreign governments.. To create allegiance , and make our money the world reserve currency..
This ukraine thing is another israel.. a western colony..
I think the ukraine thing was the misstep that will cost the USD worlds reserve currency status..
China will lose interest in having Dollars and our dollar will fall in value to their yuan..
You can get yuan today 7 for a dollar.. double hmm ;)

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago
WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Uhm... The Cackle or the Cuckle?!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 month ago

Hot air

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

NEW News.. I know my country is messed up.. Like it is being run against itself.. or it could just be rich people exploiting everything without regard.. So the BRICS thing is interesting.. I doubt we ever get the real truth and context.. The way it looks to me is we built china for some reason.. shared our technology.. and gave them our market for their goods.. Built their manufacture capacity while putting ourselves in debt to them for a trillion dollars.. over the last say 20 years.. cheaper labor for higher profits?? oppressed people will want to break free of oppressors. . So there is brazil, russia , india, china and south africa as charter countries.. BRICS.. with membership countries lining up to get away from doing things the way America wants.. cant say I blame them.. The us creates the petro dollar and make their money the worlds reserve currency for international transactions.. since ww2 I guess.. So maybe its the same people running America who is creating BRICS to usher in a new version of global power and trade.. or maybe it is just those nations grouping together , for more successful futures.. I have wondered why the spanish territories all over south America etc . do not group together and work together.. well its probly because of the USA.. the USA who claimed to have concerns about the spread of communism.. yet exploits the first nation of communism.. china.. America is SO full of shit.. America oppresses exploits and destroys its own people.. A system suited for theft.. So maybe these BRICS nations will show a better sense of human values.. because America does not have any..
So, the US has gone into debt to japan and china both for a trillion each.. That debt imo represents the profits that business people have taken for themselves.. and that is usually how our system works.. debts on the people for profits for wallstreet.. The stimulus worked in a similar fashion.. but I GOT MINE.. I worked for it.. and was able to save it from my earnings since my house is paid off.. is basically just me paying myself rent I guess. . but I know how much they borrowed in my name to give to other people.. thaaaaaaat, kind of pisses me off.. So I made a point to get mine.. and I did.. and I have wondered what to do with itr.. the covid "stimulus" ... well, these brics countries are going to sp[ell trouble for American dominance globally. and the US dollar..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

So, whoever it is ,, built china while putting a burden on the US..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

where does it go from here..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

I know , people who buy gold are basically shorting the dollar.. well, another way to do it would be to buy chinese yuan.. or russian ruples? .. lol. I can get 7 yuan for a dollar.. I wonder how long that will last..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

Houses in china go for a million yuan.. houses in America have been zooming up. .and many kind of average houses in the US now nearing a million USD.. sometyhing makes me think future dollar yuan parity..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

that would be 600% profit in however long it took, takes..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

if it took 30 years , that would be 20% annual for 30 years..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

16,000 USD will buy me 106,000 yuan.. and that is chinas money.. I doubt it will fall off a cliff.. They have more value than us I believe.. in goods.. we have debt. .hmm

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

ya, so there is some news for ya alright.. ;)

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

Central and south America in dire need of development to thrive in todays world.. I imagine that creates opportunity for somebody.. seems like the US just wants to enslave everybody.. .. 250 million gift for belize? well, see what BRICS has in mind for the region..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

I think these other countries are catching on..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

take my stimulus , and SHORT the dollar with it.. is poetic.. poetry , considering how they treat the citizenry.. borrowed in my name.. given to others.. I had to earn it back.. turn it into yuan as I probly have more in common with them as exploited and victimized by wallstreet faggits.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

@SoloMan Zone: right on.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

This tune starts out kind of slow..

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@jim bennett: It's not the US... it's the Cathedral who stumble over each other to suck off the Rothchilds. This family the Rothchilds I heard had been controlling currency since ancient Babylon pottery coins...So, there's that demonic evil, perpetual evil. Every time the US fired back getting us on a gold or silver standard, those presidents who signed tbat bill into law are always assassinated with in a few days, a couple I believe within 48 hours... and guess what their VPs do... cancel said standard. What a complete mystery? There were 6 of them including Kennedy and Lincoln...

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@jim bennett: plus... they built up China to control manufacturing and they built a new Cathedral city for their UN in Kazakhstan, but the damn ragheads revolted and drove them out. They had it built and everything. . During Covid...Trump's election forced their hand and showed China's incompetence...

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

So... I heard a priest who says the Holy Spirit talked to him; I know the feeling but his were more intense. Apparently, the four horsemen of the Apocalypse as recorded in Book of Revelations (of Apostle John) have each horse a particular color but going back to the original Greek, which by the way was what the Gospels and New Testament epistles were written in, the final horse is Green...So, Pale (White), Red, Black, and Green... guess what they have in common? Almost all Muslim nations' flags share those colors. Now, the crown in Spanish and Latin is Corona; all the nation knelt to the Pale horse holding a crown ie Corona virus... Now, the next horse men is red with plagues... so Plandemic 3.1 Lockdown 2.3 will be this year with plague and pestilence, ie vermin... rats, fleas, and shit...if this is a "4 yr cycle" Lockdown will occur with more deaths, ie the 2nd horsemen... so the next eight years we might well see the Black and then the Green. These are references to signs of the times and signs and times (ie God's timeline and God's astrology.) In my quest... Holy Spirit inspired into Atlantis, I found Atlantis, actually four of them and I suspect at least eleven. Solon's Atlantis as told to him by Egyptian priest (from or at Avaris the story anyways) described Tarshish or Spanish Atlantis but Solon being an arrogant Gree interpreted it as Eye of Sahara African Atlantis or King Atlas' Atlantis with dual springs in center island and a Posiedon temple. Spanish Atlantis has a Poseidon temple too. What I realized was Eye of Sahara Atlantis aligns with the Sphinx's water corrosion in 10,000 BC to 9,000 BC which helped create Egypt... the Story told to Solon was 1,500 BC Atlantis in Spain with two wayport stations Santorini (Akrotiri) and Crete (Knossos.) So, what does this mean? The demons or the (True) Gods have been killing White People for a long time: I call it the Atlantis Protocol, and yes I bear receipts... some of these are literally carved in stone and even in Egypt especially the Exodus which lines up with Spanish Atlantis (Tarshish) sinking, Santorini exploding, and ironically the creation of our alphabet with Hebrew which shows the trail via graffiti out of Egypt into "the wilderness" and Mount Sinai and the Red Sea crossing at Gulf of Aquiba also carved in stone at the spot both shorelines. But remember, the Lame Stream bought academia says "There is no evidence of the Exodus." They think we or you are that stupid. So, I aldo believe Pharaoh Ahmose I of Avaris pursued Moses after hecwent to the turquois mines to free those slaves... not to mention the Hebrews robbed the Egyptians blind: They feared El Elohim (Jacob ir Israel's God or "Kin" as they called Him in their time.) El Elohim had a Wife the Tree of Life Ashereh... guess what, She is in Egypt at Avaris carved into stone as well...I have receipts on my chanbel Everything is Connected and Four Spirit Truths... sorry, been working 14 hours and I'm about to hit the hay... finishing up: Every recent adtrogical Age coincides eith an event: Age of Taurus to Aries, the Biblical Age of Laws- Exodus, Aries to Pusces, the Biblical Age of Salvation- Christ on earth, the Word Made Flesh, Pisces to Aquarius, us our lifetimes (actually mid 2040s) Biblical Age of Revelations. As Peter says in 2 Peter: A day for the Lord is a thousand years. Ancient traditions have the Armageddon stories of a culture mixed into their creation stories. Six days to Create our world and One day to rest... 4th Millennium BC to Birth of Christ 4 days, birth of Christ to now 2 days... an Astrological Age is rounded to 2,200 years, I think it is 2,178 years... see the coincidences lining up? We have upto 1,100 years as the 7th Day until Armageddon and permanent End 3140 AD at the latest. Tell me, have you found God El Elohim of Jacob's clan, the 12 sons of Israel who become the 12 Tribes? Ashereh is one of thecmind blowing ancientvtruth or Revelations to be revealed as ling wirh Atlantis, Exodus, Eden (it's been found Egyptologist David Rahl found it... In Search of Eden video.) Are you paying attention? God El has been talking about our lives for over three eons...

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Damn... that was long. Guess I should have broken it up. Well, there's the Truth as the Gods revealed to me...

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: I appreciate your enthusiasm for sure. . I kind of put alot of that stuff on hold.. as I am not sure its even serving God or myself to focus too much on it.. but obviously gives people hope..

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@jim bennett: yeah... sorry for the history lesson, but Everything Is Connected... except me Win10 computers...I can't record videos the way I was but I've been called in more on my days off...

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