Femons Are Fanatics At Everything
Published on 13 Mar 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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Looks like the CRUTCH has sagged as well, that pic looks un-natural like the face is Photoshopped or something? Most of my family are dead now especially Gran, but I wouldn't take a friend round to see Gran if she looked like that, it's Repulsive. This is ALL femons have left is to try to stay young looking as a pointless exercise. Being HUMAN is in the SOUL not the look's, but as we know femon's have NO soul, just self Narcissistic Love. I bet this CUNT will wake up one day and have a massive stroke, thank God it wont be me she's stroking! lol! Personally I think these pix are kinda fake, where is all the muscle if she works out? spraying on some latex proves nothing! lol! Repulsive FREAK is all I can comment!
The formaldehyde is strong in this one. Lol
Well actually her husband is the one that convinced her to get worked on to blend into human society easier as they take over the world. https://i.redd.it/7349obze5pv31.png