Femons Are So Gullible
Published on 16 Jan 2025 / In
Film & Animation
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I don't blame the Nigerian princes: Er their blood diamonds are still embargoed! They just trying to raise money to pay the fines...oh, speaking of fines... I heard New Yorkers where putting clear epoxy over their license plates to avoid the fines...
Femons are fucking idiots, total retards especially today, more so than they ever were before! lol! I didn't know Brad Pitt was Nigerian and had Cancer? lol! Femo0ns fucking Scam MEN everyday so why should we give a shit about femon's being scammed? Femonms today have put themselves right back where they started when they became delusional about being objectified and supposedlyu used. Funny also how so many of them NOW want to go back to the 50's and 60's now they know they had it better then? Trouble is they have lost it all like things like "Pair Bonding", they destroyed that quite early on. and the cant go back because MEN being the creator's have moved on and are fully aware how they were used in the past, yes it was the NALE that was used NOT the femon. Femons have it ALL and more yet they continue to implode and become MENTALLY ILL more so today than ever before in history. Femons are more reliant of outside forces than ever before in history, but it's not MEN anymore but government they are used and abused by, yet still insist on blaming the MEN who no longer are there?
Yeah I seen this article it's so retarded. Lol they're so stupid lol