Femons Don’t Act Professional
Published on 18 Jan 2025 / In
Film & Animation
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Imagine if a male steward would make a similar video air-fucking the cabin, the media would be all over it and he would be banned from the entire sector. That's why we don't do this shit, ladies!
Twerking is just the next fad of women publicly inviting men to doggy-style them, disguised as a dancing style... Women do these things all the time, and it's one of the main reasons they do not get taken seriously in the working place.
Passed a TEST? thaat thumbnail looks like it's passing WIND! lol! She will probably Sue the airline in some way? Who filmed it as well? did they get the sack as well?
Shows the key difference between femons and males. When the femon gets a new job, that's it- party time. Easy street as far as she's concerned. When a man gets a new job he may celebrate a little, but it's tempered by knowing he's going to be useless for about a year and blamed for everything as "the new guy" until he learns the ropes.
No. Femons take their jobs, er whore moanal primary jobs: Gold digging and man hunting...
What do you mean? Thought the THOT was just advertising her uhm services...