Femons False Outrage
Published on 15 Jul 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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Sinse Covid and the asshole way the police behaved I have little sympathy for them in general anymore, but the cop in the story did the right thing.
You are right. Losing anything or anyone to Cancer is sad, but it just doesn't stop some of them being ASSHOLE's and destroying any attention or sympathy from descent people. So that is how Bollards get Concrete CANCER! lol! Personally I feel sorry for the bollard having to put up with being in the dark with all that free humidity round it! lol! I'm sorry to say and I mean sorry I have to put up with it, but I have "NO" sympathy or hubris for Femon's in any way or form anymore. I do admit I like to laugh at then but what else are they worth but to be Laughable?
She lives alone right? Loneliness can lead to insanity.
I have no problem with women walking around topless... It's just advertising or public service announcements (rather WARNING LABELS) for all people...
A women loosing her breast to cancer is like a virgin loosing her womb... that just takes all the power away.