Femons Have Become Very Arrogant
Published on 18 Mar 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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Cougar's hit the WALL just like any other femon, they ain't anything special. they think they are special and arrogant with it because THEY are DELUDED in the TRUE MENTALLY ILL sense. all the MEN are gone or going and they cant accept WE have gone because of their own shitty arrogant attitudes, so they now live in a delusional mindset that they will NEVER break away from. Meanwhile us Guy's are Thriving and we are thriving because FEMON's themselves have given Us that opportunity. Don't know about you guy's? but for me their will be NO going back under any circumstance, I'm done and life is so good and worth while I don't ever want to go there ever again.
A Cougar? More like a total PUSSY, femons today are very arrogant and self centered which is why I avoid any contact where possible.
Cougars bite, older ones invariably have rabies or some sort of transferable disease. Beware young males some juveniles are their prime targets. Just a note, this reflects an indulgence and preference for the matriarchal system, old men are shamed for the same behavior and usually jailed. Lol
Clown world justice.